Your inside joke with him

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Your inside joke with him

Harry: When one of you are sad, angry, scared or any other emotion that is not happy or excited then you shout 'MER MER MER' at each other. It originated from you both over-watching The Big Bang Theory while you were bored and changing around the words to his 'Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty' song. He even used it in an interview one time when he was missing you, needless to say the interviewer was very confused and you were on the phone as soon as you seen it.

Louis: Every time you see a fan at a signing or meet and greet with a carrot-related item you shout 'CELERY' at each other. It comes from a signing that you went to together at the end of the UAN tour and you seen a fan in a carrot suit talking to a man working at a restaurant dressed like a stick of celery. Only you two noticed and the boys are still very confused but leave you both to it.

Liam: Just like the Smurfs, you use a certain word to describe things, replace words and sometimes to just add effect. You both use the word 'Scadoodley' which you said instead of swearing once time when you slipped on some ice and almost knocked yourself out cold.

Niall: Every time you take a trip away from home, or he goes on tour to a new place he buys you a funny postcard which you stick in a scrapbook and write silly captions around. One every few months you go back over them all and often use the captions in everyday life if one of you are upset or angry or frustrated. It helps you both relax and cheer up knowing that somewhere, there's a silly postcard waiting for you to make fun of.

Zayn: While he was in an exotic country promoting the new album and doing many signings, you went out shopping with Zayn. You walked into a funny pharmacy because Zayn was running out of hair care products when you both seen 'řasenka' wrote on the side of a strange, black bottle. Curious, you bought it along with Zayn's top notch conditioner and hairspray. When you got home you opened the bottle to find a black, gloopy mixture similar to that of mascara or tar. Now every time he goes away he tries to find something similar and texts you the name of the product and you both use it for the rest of the month as nicknames for each other. It confuses the boys and Paul, Zayn even used it as your name in an interview by mistake, causing panic and a lot of drama throughout the fandom for a brief moment.

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