You have a stutter

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You have a stutter

Harry: "You ready, babe?" Harry looked down at you as he squeezed your hand. You bit your bottom lip, you were extremely nervous. Today was the day Harry wanted to go public with you. With any other girl, she would have been fine, but with you, there was a minor setback. You had a stutter. You knew fans would treat you differently... what if they made fun of you? "A-are you sur-sure you want me- to c-come with you?", you asked nervously. Normally your stutter was not that bad but when your nervous it was about 10x worse. "(y/n), you don't even have to talk in the interview if you don't like, but I want you there with me". He smiled at you reassuringly. You sat next to him at the interview, hoping that you wouldn't have to talk. "So, Harry," the interview started, "Who is this lovely lady next to you?" "He smiled down looking at you, "Uh, that lovely lady would be my girlfriend, (Y/n)." You formed a half smile, knowing what was coming next. "(Y/n), what is it like to be with THE Harry Styles?" "I-uh- I-It's amazing, d-different every d-day", you managed to say. "Ugh, how much worse could my stutter get?" you wondered to yourself. You felt so stupid and tears started to form in your eyes, "Is everything alright?" The interviewer nosily asked you. Harry replied for you, "She's just-uh, nervous about interviews, you know?" "Oh, you mean, how we stuttering a bit? That's fine. We have people come in like that all the time, that's the great thing about magazines, they can't read your stuttering" The interviewer winked at you. You felt so much better hearing that and sighed a huge relief. Harry turned to face you and whispered into your ear, "That's why I chose a magazine interview for going public, babe". You kissed your boyfriend on the cheek, he really was the best boyfriend ever.

Niall: It was One Direction's signing day and you could not wait to go. You had the biggest crush on Niall and you planned on bringing a bunch of items for him to sign. You had heard stories of him giving out his phone number to girls, but you wouldn't expect that to happen to you. "Next!" the tall security guard shouted. Your heart started racing, the best part about the signing is you would never have to talk, so he wouldn't hear your stutter. "How are ya?" Niall sweetly said in his irish accent as you approached him. You held you a thumbs up and smiled politely. "You don't talk?" He joked around with you. "W-W-well, I-I do b-but-". Niall interrupted you, "It's okay, ya don't have to be nervous are me". You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. "I'm n-not nervous, w-well I am, it's just th-that, I have a st-stutter, s-sorry I must sound stupid....". You couldn't believe you just told Niall Horan this. He reached across the table and grabbed both of your hands, "Don't worry about that. Look at me, I'm afraid of big crowds and I perform for them every night, now tell me who's the stupid one", he laughed heavily. He cupped his hands and whispered into your ear, "Listen, let's say after this we go get something to eat, a little less crowded?". You couldn't help but giggle at what he said. "Okay, Niall" you smiled at him. Being with him in the moment, suddenly just made your stutter disappear in that time.

Liam: "I can't believe I'm the lucky guy that gets to take you to the Brits" Liam winked at you from across the limo. Tonight was his big night and while you wanted to go and support him you weren't so keen on the idea of seeing all of his fans. You know how much hate they could have towards 1D's girlfriends, and with a problem like yours, your hate could be even worse. You stepped out of the limo and got onto the red carpet to take pictures. All of One Direction's fans were there, screaming and shouting their names. You both stuck some poses together and even went over and talked to the fans. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" One girl excitedly shouted from the crowd. "M-my name's (y/n)". You heard one girl scoff and say, "What's wrong with her? Is she mentally retarded or something?". You tried to ignore the comment but you knew your boyfriend couldn't. He marched over to the girl and said, "Excuse me, but if you are willing to talk about my girlfriend like that then don't bother being a fan of One Direction. Just because someone has trouble speaking does NOT mean they are mentally retarded and even if she was, which she is NOT, what is wrong with that anyway?" Liam clenched his fists together as he walked back over to you. You hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheek, "Liam, y-you didn't have to d-do that for me..." you started to say. He interrupted you with another kiss and looked down at your face, "Nobody says anything like about ANYBODY and gets away with it".

Louis: You were out at dinner with your boyfriend. He loved treating you by taking you out to expensive dinners. You didn't mind, you just hated public appearances. As long as you were with Louis, though, nothing really mattered. You had a slight stutter but you never stuttered around Lou. Something about him just made you lose all of your anxiety and you could speak perfect sentences. However, when talking to other people, you lost all progress. You noticed the waitress had been flirting with Lou all night, it didn't really bug you besides the fact that she was completely ignoring you so every time you had to speak your order, you practically had to yell it out while you were stuttering. Lou cleared his throat and wiped some food from his lip, "That waiter is really annoying, isn't she love?". You nodded, "Yeah, a bit rude, don't you think?" "Well, I'll tell you something, she won't be getting a very big tip". The waitress came over and handed the bill to you, "That'll be $209". "W-what d-did you say?" She rolled her eyes at you, "I SAID, $209, god, you're so stupid". Louis threw down his napkin and stood up from his chair, "C'mon (y/n), let's go". The waitress stood there with her mouth wide open, "But, you haven't paid the bill, or tipped me!" Lou turned around and smirked, "Yeah, guess you're going to have to take the money out of your paycheck to pay for that terrible service. And I'll be calling your manager". And with that you two both stormed out. You loved how dramatic your boyfriend could be but also how protective.

Zayn: You had met Zayn at one of his concerts. You were front row and he took your phone and added his contact to it. From the night on, you two had been texting each other non-stop. You were both planning on meeting when he was in the area, and that day happened to be today. You were so nervous. Zayn couldn't tell over text, but you had a stutter. "What if he doesn't like me.... or can't understand me?" You thought to yourself. You opened the door to the coffee shop where you planned to meet and Zayn stood up immediately, "(Y/n)!" You smiled as he ran over and hugged you. "N-nice t-to m-meet you". For some reason it seemed as though Zayn didn't notice your stutter at all which was strange because you were doing it more than usual. All through your little lunch together he made you laugh and you both got to really know eachother. Towards the end you looked down at your feet and quietly said, "Uh, Z-Zayn, can I- can I ask you something?" "Anything, babe". "D-do you t-think my stutter is a- is a turnoff?" "Absolutely not", he said flat out, "You can't judge someone on how they speak. It doesn't define who they are or what their personality is. Your voice is the best thing I've ever heard in my life," He blushed getting quiet, "I wouldn't care how it got to my ears, as long as I could never stop hearing it". Tears gathered in your eyes because that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to you. Zayn might have looked like a bad boy from the outside but he was the sweetest guy you had ever, ever met.

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