Chapter 15

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About 1 month later

It was a Saturday morning and Luke was at his moms. as for me I was at home resting from a recent injury that my father had gave me. I was sitting on the couch when I hear a loud knocking from the front door. I slowly climb off the couch and carry myself over to the front door. Opening it just a bit before seeing Ashton on the other side. "Hey" I say softly as I clutch the side of my ribs, trying to ignore the pain. "Hey, I thought maybe we could do something today" he speaks, causing me to smile a bit. "Yeah sure, what you have in mind?" I ask. "We could go over to my house and play video games or something?" He says questionably. "Let me change real quick" I say starting to close the door before he blocks it with his foot. I look up to him confused "we've been friends for over a month, when are you gonna let me inside your house?" He questions me, I look behind me, examining the inside of the house. Yesterday morning i had cleaned the house to the best of my abilities but there was still a blood stain on the floor from yesterday night. "Give me a sec" I say closing the door in his face and grabbing a blanket off the couch. I lay the blanket over the blood stain in the living room and pick up a couple beer bottles laying around the house. Then I open the door back up. "...I guess you can come in..." I drag, he looks at me suspiciously before walking through the door into the house. "Um my rooms upstairs... You can stay down here while I change" I say awkwardly. He nods and I walk over to the stairs, holding onto my ribs while I climb up. "Are you ok, why are you holding your ribs?" Ashton asks from the 1st floor. "I fell" I say. I look down at him and I can tell he's not buying it. "It seems every time I see you your hurt in one way or another, are you sure it's not something more?" He asks sincerely. "I'm just... I'm just really clumsy... It's nothing to be worried about" I reassure him. I can tell he's not buying it, but he still lets it go and I travel back to my room. I grab some clothes from the dresser and slowly change, trying not to hurt myself. I wrap a bandana around my wrist to cover the new self harm marks that I had carved into my skin just a few days before. I had been doing Good at keeping my self harm under control, actually staying clean for over two weeks at one point, but I still did it every now and again. Any ways after putting on the bandana, I walk back down the stairs where Ashton was waiting for me. "Ready?" He asks cheerfully. I nod and take my final steps down the stairs before following him back over to his house. When we get there his mom is in the kitchen and smiles at me. "Nice to see you again Tess" she says, I smile at her, not quite comfortable enough around her to talk yet. "Have you had lunch yet?" She asks cheerfully, I shake my head no "ok, is hamburgers ok?" I nod and she smiles. "It'll be done within 20 minutes" she says, me and Ashton nod and head upstairs, right into Ash's bedroom. "Xbox?" He questions. I nod and he hands me a remote and turns on his TV.
"How can you always beat me?" He says in awe, a giggle a little bit and he looks to me and smiles. "How's your ribs?" He asks changing the subject. "Wha-" I begin. "You said you fell? Do your ribs still hurt" he asks. I put my hand up to my rib and debate rather I want to tell him the truth or not. "Not anymore" I say avoiding eye contact. He gives me his 'I can tell your lying face' and I sigh. "Yeah a little" I say in defeat. "You know your ribs could be broken, I could get the 1st aid ki..." He begins but I cut him off. "NOO" he looks at me and shock and I return the look. "I mean... I'm really fine, it's nothing to worry about" I say trying to fix my slip up. "Your hiding something" he says clearly. I look at him fear in my eyes and just as he opens his mouth I hear Ana, his mom, call us down for lunch. I sigh in relief and hurry up and make my way downstairs. When I get there there is 3 plates set in the table with a cheeseburger on each plate. I sit down and Ashton sits hesitantly by me. "Ok there is mustard, ketchup, tomato, onion, and lettuce, you can put whatever you like on your burger" Ana says sitting down across from us. I nod and grab the ketchup, putting a tiny amount on before setting it back down and start to eat my burger. I can see ash give me a death glare from beside me, but I just ignore it. "Tess, could you pass the ketchup please?" I hear Ana Ask, I grab it and hand it to her, remaining quite as I do this. "Thanks" she says. We sit in awkward silence not long after and soon me and ash are walking back up stairs. "You can go to my room, I'll be there in a minute" he says. I hesitantly make my way to his room and sit on the bed, wondering what he was doing. He comes in a few minutes later with the 1st aid kit in his hands. "I told you I-" I began but he cuts me off. "I know, I know your fine... Just please... Humor me" he says, my breath hitches and I quickly stand up, looking out the door, thinking about making a run for it. "Don't even think about it" He says getting up and closing the door before returning to his 1st aid kit. "Now come here" I hesitantly follow his directions and walk towards him. He lifts my shirt up a little bit, unwrapping the bandage that I had put on my bruise. As he gets the wrap totally unwinded I think fast and pull away from him, grabbing my shirt and pulling it back down over my stomach. "Please, Tess" he begs. He take my hand and carefully pulls me back over to him, once again pulling my shirt up a little bit. I stand in fear watching as his eyes roam over all the scars, abuse and self inflicted, that were located on my stomach. "Tess..."

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