Chapter 23

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Tess POV

Flashback (6 years old)
"Tess, get in here, now!" Dad's sharp voice yells. I rush down the stairs and to the living room. A toddler stands their looking up at me. He was small, short, light brown hair. He looked like he could barley walk.
Dad pushes the toddler towards me and we both fall to the ground, the toddler starts crying. My dad rolls his eyes and pulls me up by my hair, leaving the toddler on the ground. I whimper in pain.
"Get him out of here Tess, he's your responsibility now" I pick the kid up and look up to my dad, my eyes burning with tears.
"GO!" He yells, I race up the stairs with the young boy, taking him to my bedroom.

Flashback (8 years old)
Tears fell down my face in a steady rate, my dad hitting me over and over again. I had told my teacher about my dad hitting me, and he had called my dad up immediately. My dad, of course, denied everything, and the teacher believed him. I whimper out in pain begging him to stop.
"Don't you ever" he yells, kicking my ribs, "and I mean ever... speak of that to anyone... ever again"

Flash back (10 years old)
'It's your fault!' My fathers voice replays in my mind 'it's your fault she left'
I sat on the bathroom floor, crying. It was the weekend and Luke was with his mother, while my dad was out of the house.
The events from the previous night replayed in my head. It was the first night my father has ever mentioned my mom. He said that it was my fault she left, and I was starting to believe him.
I notice a small razor in the bath beside me, I gently reach for it. Examining it fully. Before I could completely comprehend what I was doing, I place the blade up to my wrist and made a tiny cut. I flung back, but stare at the blood sparkling up in the wound. It calmed me. I made another, tiny slice into my wrist. My gaze focusing only on the sparkling red liquid.

Flashback (13 years old)
"Hey" a girl, probably about 12 or 13, runs up to me.
I look at her in shock and she reaches her hand out to greet me,
"I'm Jade"

Flashback (15 years old)
"You limping all the time, you won't talk to anyone, you're always wearing long sleeves, and you won't let me into your house" jade speaks "just admit it, he's hurting you"
Jade had just confronted me about my father, and I did everything I could to convince her that it wasn't true. She, however, didn't believe me.
I look down and sigh, she takes this as a sign of admittance
"I knew it"

Flashback (a few months ago)
I rush out of the classroom and to my locker. "I'm sorry Tess, I didn't mean for you to get I. Trouble too" jade pleads. I fake a smile, and then see the the boy Ashton, coming right towards us. Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me! Plays through my head. "hey Tess, Jade" he begins
"what do you want dimbo?" Jade asks furiously.
"chill, I just wanted to know if Tess, here, would like to Have lunch with me and my friends?"

Flashback (a few months ago)
"What do you want?!?!" I yells angrily. Ashton take a small step back in fear. "Why do you keep talking to me, when you know I won't talk back?" I ask a little calmer. "I-I" he begins, but then goes silent. "I don't know" He finally says "You don't know?... I've been mute for fourteen years, and you think... You think you can just come in my life and make me talk? Make me tell you all my secrets so you can just turn around and throw it in my face? Make me trust you and then up and leave? I'm sorry, but you can't do that! You can't give my hopes up like that." I yell at him "You just can't"i whispers. "Tess... I won't do that to you" he says sincerely. "I promise"

Flashback (a few months ago)

Present day
I open my eyes and emerge from my sleep, I quickly throw myself into a sitting position and pain hits me, I whimper.
"Tess?!?" I see Ash from beside me and I quickly grab onto his shirt and pull him into a kiss. He seems shock but soon starts to kiss back. We pull away from each other and he looks at me in shock.
"Thank you" I smile "for everything"

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