Chapter 18

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Ash's POV
It had been a few day since Tess left and i couldn't help but replay the whole day over and over again in my head. "Hey sweetie, is everything ok, you've been quiet lately" My mom asks as I walk out of my bedroom. It was Monday morning and I had just gotten out of bed, not even remembering to say hi to her when I walked in the kitchen" I debate in my head whether or not to tell my mom about Tess, before I'd sided against it, but now I was thinking I should. What if something happened to Tess? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So I did what I should have as soon as I found out, I told. "Actually mom, no it's not"

Tess' POV
"Hey Luke" I smile, picking up my little brother from school. He smiles at me as he walks up to me and I immediately start walking with him. "How was school?" I ask curiously he smiles even brighter and reply's with a 'great' as he keeps walking by my side. We continue to talk until we make it to the house, our dads car in the driveway. I stop him by the front door and whisper to him. "Go right to your room and lock the door" I tell him, he nods before opening the door. We both walk in and as soon as we do we see my dad sitting at the table with a women a few feet away from him. Luke races up the stairs, and I try to follow him but I am quickly stopped by the sound of my fathers voice. "Tess?" He say genuinely. I slowly stop and turn around. He smiles at me and my breathing quickens a little. "Will you mind getting me the chips out of the Covered?" He asks politely, my face fills with confusion, caused by the sudden politeness of my father, but still head to the kitchen anyways, pulling down the chips from the covered before hesitantly walking back and setting them on the table. He smiles at me and them looks back to the women. I stand there in shock. "Why don't you go up to your room Tess? Dinner will be done in about an our. He says I give him a suspicious look before raising back up the stairs and heading to my little brothers room. "Luke, it's me" I say as I knock on the bedroom door. I soon her the door unlock and open. I walk slowly into the room. "Are you ok?" He asks fearfully. I nod and sit down on his bed. "What did he do?" He asks. I look up to him and then back down to the floor. "Nothing" I say breathlessly. "He did nothing" his jaw drops and he looks to me. "He wasn't even being mean..." I drag "he was acting.... Politely" I say in shock. Luke doesn't speak , but instead sits down next to me. We wait a few extra seconds before hearing the door down stairs slam, and as soon as it does I hear my dad yelling my name. "TESS" he yells. I race out of my room and down stairs. I didn't see the women anymore but instead just a real angry version of my dad. "YOU CALLED CHILD SERVICES ON ME?!?" He yells in rage, my breath hitches as I finally get the explanation of why he was acting so politely. I shake and fear as he walks closer, cornering me into the wall. We pushed me and my fear give out leaving me sitting on the floor. "IVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU!!! FED YOU CLOTHED YOU, KEPT A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD AND YOU DO THIS?!?" He yells, kicking me while I remain on the ground. "I outta kill you right here!!" He growls. I freeze in fear and he grabs me by the hair and pulls me to my feet. Slapping me as hard as he can and puts me right back on the ground, walking away. I sigh in relief, thinking that he was done but instead he comes back with both a hammer and a lighter in his hands. He once again pulls me up by my hair and throws me over to the couch. Grabbing my arm and burning me with his lighter, I scream out in pain but he covers my mouth and continues to burn until what seemed like and eternity later he let go. Next he grabbed his hammer, brining it down of my ribs as hard as he could. I could feel my ribs break inside of me and flip in my seat to hold them. He then swings once more over my back and I scream, fading to the darkness. Before I finally let go, however, I hear a voice other than my fathers yell and then everything goes black.

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