How Did That Happen?

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Camille's POV

Everyone is now asleep, it's around 10:00 pm at night. Elizabeth fell asleep first, she's on the floor and Ponyboy is next to her. Her head is on his shoulder and he didn't mind at all. If he hates her then he would've taken her head off his shoulder, but no. Does he like her? Does she like him? I mean I know Elizabeth and she doesn't love, she hates. Well she only loves us girls, doesn't show it though. But I know deep down she does love us all. Sidney fell asleep on the couch with Rebecca, Alexia and Kaylee, who are all asleep too. I am the only one awake, the last on to fall asleep was Darry.

I am pretty bored of doing nothing. I like sleeping during the day and doing whatever I want during the night. The girls all think that I am quiet, smart and pretty. I am all that with dark secrets too. I go to parties, get drunk and what not. But I am able to handle myself and not do stupid things. I even cut sometimes too, I have scars all over my wrists. I rob stores too, I do not smoke at all. I don't do anything that can ruin my body, you might say alcohol does that. But it only goes into your blood stream and makes you go all cocky. Not really the same with me. I am not a player like Elizabeth and Sidney. I got hurt by someone who I loved and I am not going to fall in love again. That is working really for me so far.

I got up and walked outside. I stopped at the end of the road to try and figure out where the Dingo is. I forgot, so I just turned right and walked down the road. I got to the Dingo and went inside, I saw socs. Socs aren't allowed here, this is greaser territory. I ignored them and sat down at the bar. I ordered a couple shots and two beer.

I drank my shots and chugged down one full beer in a matter of secondes. I left outside to walk around, the place was getting crowded for only being 11:00 pm. I sat outside by the wall and drank my beer. I noticed socs coming up to me. So I got up and ran, the only thing I could do. I have my blade with me, but that is it.

I got about to the lot and they tackled me to the ground. I couldn't move, having them on your chest, pinning your arms and legs to the ground doesn't help me at all. I also am not the strongest one of them all. I got punched in the face, gave me a huge mark. I noticed that the boy was wearing rings. He punched me again above my temple, I felt the blood trickling down my face. Then punched my stomach several times, making bruises only. I didn't feel the warm blood on my stomach. My arms are covered in blood, dirt and cuts. They pulled out their blades and put it to my throat. I didn't say anything, I didn't need and I couldn't. If I was able to speak they wouldn't listen to me and stop. None of them do.

The punches, kicks and slaps kept coming at me from left and right. My face hurt the most, but the cut above my temple is semi-covered by my bangs that go off to the side. They hit me a couple last times, one of them stepped on my ankle and I heard the crack. I knew they broke my ankle, I laid there on the ground. They left me there alone on the grass in the cold of night.

I knew I needed to get up and get home. My body is shaking from being so cold. I didn't bother to bring a jacket, I am wearing shorts and a muscle shirt only. My hair is down, but that doesn't keep me warm. I sat up carefully and luckily a tree is beside me. I held onto the branch and pulled myself up. I stood against the tree and found a stick on the ground. I used that to help keep my balance. I managed to walk on my own, I almost fell a couple times.

I walked down the sidewalk and made it to the house after a little while. When I got home it was about 2:30 pm, I got jumped about 2 hours ago, but it took me so long to get home. A broken ankle doesn't help at all. I walked inside and thank god everyone is still sound asleep. I went in Darry's chair, he left to his room when I stayed up. He didn't mind me staying up and he has no clue I left the house alone. I laid back in the chair and took my shoes and socks off my feet, to let them air out and get the blood outta my shoes. They squished walking home, I felt the dry blood on my face and I didn't feel like getting up and washing it off.

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