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Jungah's POV



I woke up when I felt a shake on my shoulders.

My consciousness creeps in when I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light of the room and the coldness of the AC in the room.

When I had finally woken up completely, I saw that Jeonghan oppa was actually the one who woke me up.

His grin appears when he realized that I've gained consciousness completely and is looking at him straight.

"Good morning kitten" he then scooted forward next to my head from his previous position which was right next to my body.

Jeonghan oppa's hand began to ruffle my hair and then smooth it again, "was your sleep nice?" He asked, his voice was soft due to not wanting to wake the sleeping boy next to me.

I slowly crack a grin and stretch a little to loosen up my muscles, "hmm, I think... but my thoughts are still on Kwanghaeng oppa... is he okay now?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

Jeonghan oppa nodded, "he's okay... someone came earlier to pick him up, I think he's Kwanghaeng's right hand man or secretary or something..."

I sat up and lean on Jeonghan oppa's shoulder, "does he look better when he left?"

I look up and see that Jeonghan oppa had a relaxed face and was nodding at my question, "he kinda did... maybe the wound isn't that bad, you know? You worry a little too much about small things" he joked, taping my nose lightly with his finger.

His small gesture made my insides flutter with happiness and it calms my nerves slightly, it was as though my stress was slowly seeping away from my body and out to find someone else it could inhabit.

"Come on, we have loads of things to do" he grinned before pulling me up into a seating position.

*9th August*

Time seem to dash off fairly quick.

Before we realized it, we had already finished all dated concerts in Japan, and now we are set to go to Singapore to attend the next concert.

"Jungah-yah! What are you thinking about?" Jun oppa asked while grinning, it had been almost an hour since we sat ourselves down at the boarding room, waiting for the gate to the plane to be opened so we could hurriedly go to Singapore.

As if on que, an announcement was made.

"All passengers for flight JB007, flight JB007 please board to the airplane now"

"Alright boys, let's go" I called whilst standing up with Dongjae next to me, holding my hand while excitedly walk towards the ticket check.

We boarded into the plane and sit on our respected seats, of course Dongjae sit next to me and because he requested it, Mingyu oppa sat next to him, on the other side. So he was actually in the middle of me and Mingyu.

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