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Jungah's POV



".... and that's all I need!" Junsu oppa exclaimed while shutting his laptop dramatically, "whoop! Thanks for making my job easier, Jungah! You could've sent me an e-mail regarding the files but you insisted on seeing me in person... I'm so very touched!" He then took a sip of his coffee whilst leaning back to his chair comfortably. Dongjae was seated next to me the whole time, playing on his ipad mini that he got from mom and dad for his most recent birthday. He's definitely spoiled by everyone around him, especially by me.

As we sat there, trying to rest a little after we finished our work, a sudden thought reminded me of a memory, "oh, by the way... what were you doing in Korea not long ago, oppa?" I asked, he tilted his head in a confused manner, "when?" He asked back, "you know, back when Joshua oppa had just finished his press confrence regarding the me being his sister thing" I grinned, thinking back on those moments when I haven't came out to the world nor to the closest person I was with.

The explanation was quite detailed to me, but he still looked confused, "please give me more detail because I really don't remember pulling you anywhere nor when and why was I in Korea..." he said. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed, "don't play dumb with me, oppa! I know you remember!" I whined.

True to what I said, his cheeky grin surfaced as his hand came in contact with my hair to ruffle it, "you know I do! And I was on a business trip, an old friend of mine needed a... helping hand on some certain personal stuff and he trust no one but me, so I had to go" he said, proud smile on his face, "yeah that and the payment he offered was big enough to get your ass moving from Singapore to Korea" I jokingly mocked him.

Junsu oppa widened his eyes and he was pointing his finger at me, pretending to warn me and my words, "okay, that's true though" he chuckled while sipping on his coffee, "by the way, how is Kwanghaeng?" He asked after.

When the name was brought up, the memory of that night flooded back, I didn't even realized that I became stiff as a statue. Even by the slight mention of his name, fear creeps back into me.

Nevertheless, I snap myself back into reality, clearing throat and shift a little to a better position, "h-he's good... he got hurted by someone he didn't even know and I treated him..." I muttered.

Dongjae-who heard Kwanghaeng's name, scooted closer to me and lean onto me, he didn't say anything as he don't understand me being like this.

Of course it was understandable for him to be so. "I'm sure he's fine now... he's a grown ass man, no way he's still whimpering in his bed about his pain so don't you let that thought sink into that pretty little head of yours, alright?" Junsu oppa grinned. Whenever we both meet, I'd always feel comfortable and it's not like we both always chat whenever we want, Junsu oppa is always off the grid, he doesn't exist anywhere in the government's data and file. He's basically a ghost.

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