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Jungah's POV



Months passed since the night I met Junsu oppa at Singapore, and now Seventeen is having their well-deserved break. Christmas, Joshua's birthday and new year came and pass by like the wind, I don't even remember how it all went and what we did.

Touring season was long passed and now the company wanted them to be well prepared for their next comeback which from what I heard will have a somewhat darker concept so there is nothing wrong by having them fully preparing themselves.

And by that, the company means more exercise, strict healthy diet, mandatory extra dance practice and let's not forget those pesky most hated vocal practice and coaching by some of the most hated producers by every single member in Seventeen.

Who LIKES being told what to do with their vocal chords? And who likes being told that their voices weren't meant to sound like that? I mean HELLO ! If God wants me to have a voice like this then I shouldn't meddle with what God think is right, am I correct?


They should've added a special 'would-probably-lose-your-mental-healthiness' warnings in their contract. This isn't break time, this is boot-camp break time.

No, wait.

Scratch the entire 'break time' word, this is trully inhuman.

"Jeonghannie oppa, come on! It's already 6.30, manager oppa will pick you guys up soon for dance practice! Don't you wanna shower or eat first?" I asked as I shook Jeonghan oppa awake from his slumber.

Despite being groggy and all, he listens to me well and got up in no time.

"You need to wake me up more gently, Jungah... I'm starting to feel that the only person you scold in the morning is me" he teased while grinning cheekily at me, obviously trying to make me feel bad for being so grumpy in the morning. Which is no use because I'm now perfectly unaffected by any of their pleas for mercy, no matter how much they tried.

Before I could retort anything at Jeonghan oppa, someone had beaten me up to it, "don't feel so special Jeonghan hyung, she also scolded me before you" Jun oppa said as he passed the room to go to the dining room. At his sudden comment, I was close to chasing him around the house. But Jeonghan oppa held one of my arm, holding me back from running to catch Jun oppa; dead or alive, "Is that true? You scolded someone else first? Wow, Hong Jungah I didn't know that you are an icy-cold heartbreaker" he said.

To me, it sounded like a joke or a tease. So I took it that way. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him, "ha-ha, very funny Jeonghan oppa... both you and me know that your heart is unbreakable! You're the heartbreaker here! Don't joke like that, okay" I said whilst shaking my head at him, slightly pleased at his wittiness despite just being woken up. But it seems like I missed the glint of confusement in him. Before I knew it he had pulled me into a hug and burried his face into my hair, "I'm serious, Jungah... I'm a jealous guy, so obviously I'd be jealous if you give your attention to another guy"

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