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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches






Joshua's POV



We all froze in our spots, not knowing what to do after another member decides to join in.

I knew that Jun knew what it is... He told us, it makes sense that he answered. But him?

"Is everyone going to just stare and look dumb while our water bill is sky-rocketing to the roof?" Jun asked annoyedly. He was the first person to snap out of his trance and lend a hand to fix the mess Dino and Jeonghan made all of a sudden.

"Right" I breathed out and jumped into action, turning the hose off while Dino, Jeonghan, and Jun clear all the pooled water out through the draining hole.

In the midst of cleaning everything, Jun pulled Mingyu and I closer together and spoke, "Pretend that you both don't know, ok? For all we know he could just be bluffing" after Mingyu and I nod at him, we all part off and continue with our own work.

After everything is finished, we all went back to confusedly looking at the newest addition of the we-just-found-a-mysterious-box-in-the-draining-hole team.

"So? Are you going to tell us what it is?" Mingyu asked, snapping the older guy back into reality, the older guy was boring holes into the box that is now on top of the sink.

He sighed and scratch his not-so-itchy head, " I guess..." he then paused, making us look at him longer than we should have, "Well? Are you going to tell us or what?" Mingyu asked again, this time sounding annoyed.

"I was going to... For starter, I know that it belongs to Jungah" he smirked before he moved backwards and walked a little before stopping in the middle and nodding to the direction of his room, "Let's just continue talking in my room" he said as he waved the box that is miraculously in his hand.

As we all starting to walk off, someone behind us scoffed, "Wait, are you all seriously going to do this?" we all looked back and saw Jeonghan with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a look of utter disbelief on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"

Jeonghan stepped forward, "You're all going to discus whatever it is in that box without Jungah knowing? Or-or you all just going to open that box without Jungah's consent?" my eyebrows furrowed at that, "If you say it like that, it sounds bad... It's not as bad as you think... It's just a little fishy that Jungah has a box that is hidden in our dorm for God-knows how long, and since we found it and some of us have answers to what it is, we would like to be informed"

"And don't you think there is a reason as to why Jungah kept it a secret?" he asked again, this time, it silenced me completely, "If she thinks that she's ready to tell one of us her secret, PERSONALLY" he emphasized the last word, making sure that we all heard it, "She would, but it all will happen in her own time and don't you all remember the chaos that happened merely a year ago because of a secret between Jungah and her long-lost brother?" he said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

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