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The three of us walked into the Vanguards chamber, Cayde still looking at a map, Ikora with a book in her hand, and Zavala looking at some blueprint. I thought deeply about how I was going to word this. I was new, and they probably wouldn't listen to me. it goes. "We have a problem," I stated to the triumvirate. The Vanguard all looked at me attentively. "Wow, that worked?!" I cleared my throat for a moment. "A hive seeder just impacted the divide region of the Cosmodrome, I took care of what was inside, but the threat remains."

"Well you either took care of the Hive in the seeder, or the threat is still there, can't be both," Cayde said with his usual charisma. Ikora looked at Cayde for a moment before looking back at me.

"A Hive seeder?" Ikora asked looking at me.

"Yes, or at least that's what my ship's onboard computer said it was."

She closed the book with a bookmark inside setting it down on the table. "The Hive are perhaps much closer to invasion than we thought. We need to strike at the heart of the invasion force, remove any potential threat of attack that the Hive have left." She said looking at all three of us. "I need you three to head to the moon, and find a way into the stronghold they built there." She said.

"However we do have some good news," Cameron chimed into our conversation.

"And what might that be?"

"We killed the House of Devils Archon, and discovered the location of their prime servitor." She said. Ikora cracked a small smile.

"It's about time we got ahead of the Fallen, the Hive scenario can wait, by now the Fallen know that we are aware of where the Prime is," Zavala said to the three of us. "We need to strike while we have this knowledge and know it's correct."He said. "You three, take down the Prime." He said. We all stood there for a second. "NOW!" He ordered. We then sprinted out of the hall of guardians and toward the hangar bay, putting on our helmets as we ran past other guardians at the vaults.

"So what's the plan?" Cameron asked me as we moved into the hangar bay.

"We need to assess the situation first. Only then can we take down the Prime, once we have a full grasp on what is going on." I said. I almost tripped on the way to the ship, on some sort of wrench I think. I kept running to my ship and my teammates made it to theirs at about the same time.

The engines roared to life shooting us out into the starry sky above. "To the Devil"s Lair sir?" Captain asked me.

"Yes, Captain," I replied.

"Request approved standby for destination marker. Engaging thrusters at maximum velocity." He said. I then took control of the ship flying down to the snow-covered surface; I wonder what this place looks like when it's not so cold. "Sir, we have a walker down at the entrance to the lair, I cannot land there safely." He said.

"Is there another way that you can get us close?" I asked.

"You won't like it."

"Do it."

"Alright but don't say I didn't warn you."

He then dropped me out of the sky several hundred meters above the surface where the walker was. "You could have told me it involved falling!" I shouted as I dropped toward the ground at a rapid pace.

"Sorry, sir." He said. By using my glide, I landed safely on a building a few meters away from the walker, just outside of its line of sight. "This is James to Cameron and Aaron," I stated over the comms unit in my helmet.

"We read you loud and clear, where are you?" She asked.

"My ship dropped me off outside of the lair, and they have a tank," I said.

Shattered Past (A Destiny FanFiction) (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now