Blood, Sweat, and Armor

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"Alright, so let's get moving then," Cameron stated retyping the coordinates to Meridian Bay on the keypad. Both of us were unsettled by the information that we had learned. We knew each other before our first meeting in the tower plaza nearly a week ago. We were in the same unit no less. So this begs the question, how well did we know each other? Did we hate each other or like each other or what? This seemed only to raise more questions than it gave answers. 

More importantly, how did I get involved in this unit? I thought that my parents told me that they didn't want me to be a part of any military. Perhaps this was the "they" that they were talking about. The people they wanted me to avoid. But why? Why would they take me? What is it that made me so special back then that I was kidnapped? More importantly, why was I built? This whole scenario only seemed to make less and less sense the more that I played through it in my head. The entire existence of the MDU confused me. What were they? What did they do? 

Cameron held onto the controls of the ship keeping her head focused on the jump hole that the ship created. Her body was focused on the jump of the ship, but by the look in her eyes, I knew that her mind was somewhere else. What was she thinking about? If I were willing to guess I would say that she was thinking about the same thing I was. We knew each other, but how well? The jump then cut out to give us a full view of the planet. It was a crimson red, with the only deviation from it being the ice caps on the top and bottom of the world. There was only one moon that lay in the planet's orbit, but it didn't seem to move or change in any fashion. Like it was tidally locked by some unseen force. 

"That's odd," Cameron stated to me. 

"What's that?" 

"The last time I ventured out here, there were two moons in orbit around this planet." 

I looked up at the giant hovering rock as we closed the distance between the world and the ship. "What do you think happened to the other one?" I asked. 

"I could only guess. Frankly, I believe that the Cabal tried to use the moon as a weapon somehow." 

"How on earth do you weaponize a moon?" 

"The cabal, while they aren't bright when it comes to technology for peaceful purposes, they are ingenious with military strategy and weapons development." 

"So you are saying that they had either succeeded and that moon is floating out in space somewhere, ready to assault the city at any moment. Or they failed, and the moon was destroyed." I replied to her.

"You hit the nail right on the head. And that's what scares me."

"Why does that frighten you?" I asked as we descended into the Martian atmosphere.

"They could, as a last resort, send that moon towards the city. And I don't think that we have strong enough weapons to stop something of that size. If they get desperate, they could destroy the planet." She replied to me. A tone of dread fell over me when I began to calculate the casualties of that scenario. An asteroid of that size could destroy all life on earth. 

The two of us then transmatted down to the surface of the planet, with Aaron close behind. "Ah, home sweet home." He said. "It took me three days to get off this rock; I never thought I'd ever see it again." 

"Nostalgia?" I asked him. 

"No. I hoped I would never have to see it again. The sand got all in my suit, and it took me about six hours to clean it." 

"So, where do we need to go to get to the gate?" I asked Ghost. 

"Well, from what I understand from previous patrols in the region, the cabal have a transmat lock in place around the planet. So we have two options, walk the twelve kilos to get there, or we hack into their mainframe to gain sparrow access to the planet." Ghost said affirmatively. 

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