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Cameron and I took the ship out to the reef. Cameron was looking just as curious as I was. The silence between the two of us was awkward, to say the least. The purple aura of debris in the reef started to envelop the ship as we have begun distancing ourselves from the only refuge out in the graveyard that lay only a few kilometers away. "So." She started to say

"So," I replied only making this more awkward. 

"What do you think we're going to find when we get to Aaron?" 

I thought intently about it for a moment. I truly didn't know; he never reacted this way before this point. Everything would have been amazing, being the first hunter in the reef he wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth shut for a nanosecond. So whatever it was, it was enough to make him turn on his comms to tell us about it. What could it be that was so important to me specifically? 

"I don't know." 

We got ourselves closer to the ship that was marked with a massive flag on the side. The ship was white but coated in scratches and holes. Except for the fact that the ship was literally torn in half. It was cut into pieces, torn in more ways than one. The interior of the ship was open wide for the entire universe to see. "Aaron's inside of that?" She asked. 


"You ready James?" 

I looked over to the ominous behemoth looming overhead. I wouldn't dare imagine the horrors that awaited us inside of the vessel. I was prepared for anything at this point. "Ready as I'll ever be." 

"Have you ever gone EVA before?" 


"Extravehicular activity, going outside of your ship into space." 


"Alright, just follow my lead." She said putting her helmet on. 

She then had us both transmatted to the exterior of the ship. I then started to float about in space. It was cold, and that was it, there was no wind, no moisture, nothing. All there was, was the cold and weightlessness. I tried to gain my footing, and I just kept flipping about in space. "Uh, how do I stand?" 

Cameron looked at me oddly through the visor of her helmet. "There's basically no gravity out here, so you honestly can't. What you need to use is the magnetic footing on your boots." 

"I'll activate the magnets for you." Ghost stated to me with a chirp. 

The magnets were strong enough to make it so that I could stand on the vessel but not strong enough to where I couldn't move my legs. Cameron then looked over to me and activated her lift ability to carry her towards the cruiser. I followed her close behind. The debris of the ship was still sharp to the touch, there was nothing to erode it over time out here, so it only made sense. I jumped onto a massive pylon to carry myself forwards to the vessel. The feeling of weightlessness was oddly peaceful, but the scenery and the dead ships left me with an overwhelming feeling of dread. 

"How many people do you think died out here?" I asked as we finally got into the ship. 

She activated her flashlight installed in her helmet. Cameron didn't respond. The interior of the ship was filled with skeletons. Each one of varying height, some small some large. She walked over to one of the corpses; it was holding a smaller one. So small in fact that it couldn't have been more than several months old when it died. She stroked the top of the skull that was in the arms of the skeleton; probably it's mother. I followed close behind her as we continued walking through the desolate halls of the ship. I looked over to my right and saw one skeleton in particular. It was one of a man, with a blue and red jacket on his back and a visor on his face that covered his eyes down to his chin. In his hands lay a rifle of some kind, not like the one that I use, but it was different than typical weapons that all guardians use. The back of his jacket had two numbers on it; it read 76. Cameron took the gun out of his hands and examined it carefully. 

Shattered Past (A Destiny FanFiction) (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now