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Hey guys... This is the second season of falling for you... You won't understand this story, until you go through , Falling For You - With All My Heart..
Swara and Sanskar!! The most naughty and romantic couple is been witnessed in this season..
Swara and Sanskar finally fell in love with one another. They faced many difficulties during their love journey. Now finally they are together. They finally confessed their feelings towards one another.. After their confession SwaSan finally slept.

Swasan were sleeping peacefully in eachothers embrace on the terrace in a sitting position.. Yes it's the same terrace where they confessed their love.

It's the next morning in SwaSan life after the confession.. Swara sleeping over sankys shoulder .. A Smile crept on both faces.. As the sun rays falls on them, swara gets disturbed in sleep,she keeps cuddling sanky.. Sanky wakes up due the rays.. He smiles seeing swara,who is sleeping comfortably in his embrace.. He lifts her chin n pecks her lips slightly.. She smiles in her sleep

Swara: mmmmm

She cuddles more.. He smiles seeing her childish act.. He again lift her chin n kiss her again but little longer than before... Now she hides her face in his chest.... Sanky let out a laugh n plant a kiss on her hair..

Sanky: good morning sweetheart..
Swara: Mmmm..

He wraps his hand around her waist n lifts her.. He make her sit in his lap.. She makes faces still sleeping and murmurs..

Swara: let me sleep..
Sanky : OK, let's sleep.. Waise, I'm enjoying

Saying this he hugs her n sleeps nuzzling his head in her neck.. Swara widens her eyes n jerks him..

Swara: sanky, wat..?? I mean.. Is it??? I mean.. We.. Oh my god.. Is it real.. We r still here.. N u..
Sanky: relax kya hua..

She recalls Sanky kissing her n blushes.. She thought it to be a dream.. She looks at sanky n hide herself in his chest n smiles ear to ear..

Sanky: Wat happened??
Swara: nothing.
Sanky: Arei bolo na..
Swara: kuch nahi..
Sanky: OK leave.. Give me my morning kiss..

Swara breaks the hug n hits on his chest..

Sanky: ouch. Kya hua..
Swara : u kissed me, while I'm asleep..
Sanky:(blinks) ah.. I dint do it..(innocently)
Swara:jhoote.. First I thought it to be a dream.. Just now i realised.. (hits him again)
Sanky: Arei.. Ahhh.. OK leave. I kissed u. I agree.. But now(smiles naughtily) u kiss mee.. Come on..
Swara : huh.. Shameless..

She tries to get up.. He tightens his grip on her waist..

Swara: sanskar..
Sanky: kiss me first....
Swara: no.. U got it na.. Now lets leave. Wat if someone comes..

Suddenly they hear some foot steps.. Reality hits them n they look at each other in horror..

They quickly got up n hide near the water tank.. Sanky behind swara.. She was peeking out slowly to know who has come.. Sanky gets naughty idea on his mind, he slowly wraps his hand around her waist n pulls her into his chest. She widens her eyes n struggles to get free of his clutches.. He nuzzles his head in her hair and tries to move her hair to one side.. She slowly whispers

Swara: sanky let me see who has come..
Sanky: no.. Don't disturb.
Swara: sanskar... plss...

He leaves her with a pout.. She again peeks out from the corner n gets shocked to see one of the servant.. She quickly gets back n hits sanky's chest.

Sanky: aagai na mere paas..

Saying this he back hugs her n kissed her shoulder.. She turns towards him with a tensed face

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