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The episode begins with swara slipping from the pipe.. All of a sudden, she gets hold on the pipe but gets a slight slit in her heel of her leg.. Without giving any heed to the wound she climbs n lands in the balcony.. She sighs with a big relief but frowns seeing the door locked..

After  alot of attempt , she gets tired n sits down.  Then her eyes land on the windows n her eyes sparks again.. This was it.. She tries opening the window but it was so tight.. She thought to break it with the flower pot..  But frowns recalling it's outcome..  She tries n tries.. 

Yes, Atlas she was succeeded in her attempts..  She gives an 100watt smile n jumps into the room from the window..  Her eyes lands on her life. ..Her sanskar... Yes, she finally reached his room..  Her legs automatically finds it way towards him. She caresses his hairs n her hand finally comes in contact with his forhead..  She frowns..

Swara: he will never take care..
Sanky holds her hand n opens his eyes..  He gets shocked n gets up with a jerk..
Sanky: swara.. U??
Swara: Wat the hell u think of urself..??  U should have told me tat u r not feeling well..  I'm indeed a fool..  I just poured a jug of Water..  It's all beco

He shush her immediately by keeping his finger on her lips..

Sanky: shhhh..  Relax..  I'm fine..
Swara :(takes his hand)  wat fine..   U r burning in fever n u r saying (mimics) fine..
Sanky: hey..  U shouldn't say like tat.. Just say I'm hot.. (winks at her) 

She gets frustrated n starts beating him... He gets hold of her hands n pulls her towards him..

Sanky: relax swara.. Did u came here to fight..
Swara : no..

She take out tablet from her pocket n gives him..

Sanky: no..  I hate tablets..
Swara: u r going to have it.   N tats final..
Sanky: Pls swara.. Dont u hate tablets..
Swara:(frowns) s i too hate it..  But u can apply my idea n have it..  (smiles)  I always take tablets along with chocolate..
Sanky : Arei wah!! but I dont like this idea..
Swara : I wont talk to u(turns around) 
Sanky: swara..
Swara: ......
Sanky: Acha ok..  Give.

She turns with a big smile..

Swara: I love u.. (hugs him)

Sanky rolls his eyes murmurs love u too...  She makes him have those tablets.. 

Sanky: happy.. ??
Swara: very happy.. Now just sleep.. 
Sanky: OK madam..  As ur wish..

Sanky jumps on his bed  and Swara covers him with blanket..  He smiles seeing this side of her.. 

Swara: stop smiling like an idiot..
Sanky:(smiles) I love u... But how did u come..
Swara : I came through pipe(chuckles)
Sanky widens his eyes n looks at balcony..
Sanky: (shocked) u came from window?? 
Swara:(grins)  kya karun.. Door was locked.. Now stop ur introgation n sleep..
Sanky : before tat

He pulls her on his bed n obeys like a small child closing his eyes..  Swara smiles by sitting next to him n caresses his hairs..  He falls asleep... She leans on the head board..  She was still feeling restless seeing his forhead burning..

  She takes his phone n Google's an easy way to cure fever..  Her eyes lit up and she tip toes into the kitchen.. She finally comes back to his room with a bowl n a cloth.. 

She goes near him and keeps the bowl n cloth on the night stand.. She dips the cloth in the water n puts it on his forhead after squeezing it..

Swara sits beside him..  Sanky  moves in his sleep n opens his eyes but she makes him relax by caressing his hair..  Sanky lifts his eyebrow n Swara bites her tongue..

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