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The episode begins with shocked faces of Swasan and mishvee, who are looking at tannu with wide eyes.  Harish gets shocked as well as happy. Harish was ready to give up on the engagement but tannu's last decision made him to think again.. He hugs tannu at instant.. 

Shemish and divya are equally shocked as swasan.  Now harish turns to veer for his answer.  Where as veer is almost lost, he doesn't understand wats going in tannus mind.

Harish anger rise up seeing veer. He looks at mishu, he thinks tat  Veer was being stubborn for the girl..  The girl who is sinha's daughter..  Sinha..  !!

Veer: I need to talk with tannu..

Though Sinha and shekar patch up.. But harish is unable to digest the fact.  He still somewhere doesn't like him..  Though Sinha was like his brother in the past..  But the incident made him,change his personality.. Now he has an ego problem..  He doesn't want to give up now..  He didn't want to give up on Sinha. 

Harish : Veer, I asked ur decision..  Tannu have made her decision, dare not to change her mind.  Now, I'm not gonna give u any time..  Tats it, I'm calling Mr.Anand and inform him to start the preparation..
Veer: but dad, I'm not ready for this..

Mishu couldn't take it anymore..  Harish was shooting draggers at her..  Considering veer's back answers,mishti thinks veer is arguing with his father due to her .. She runs from there where as veer frowns at the instant.. Seeing mishti ,Sanky  feels vey bad and follows her..  Being a brother he couldn't do anything,but deep down he is so much worried for her..

Though harish felt bad for mishu but he thinks abt sinha.  Not even once Sinha tried to talk abt their childrens welfare.  Then why should he think abt his daughter. Veer will be happy with this engagement..

Harish expected Sinha to aproach him and talk abt Mishu and veer..  But Sinha dint turn up..  It hurted his ego..  Now why should he give up..  There is no way, he is going to accept them.  This is wat ego does to a person..  It makes them loose their senses..
Where as

Tannu:(low voice) dad, I told my decision, but dont force veer.. (pleads) Pls.. 
Harish: (shouts) stop it tannu.   Don't talk in between.. (turns to veer) And veer, I dont want u to argue more. My decision is final.   For tat girl u r arguing with me..
Swara: chachu, it's not just tat a girl.. She is (holds her head)  god!! chachu Pls try to understand..
Harish : I gave them time swara.. I told them  To think..  He is just stubborn.   He is not thinking abt me..  I gave my words to Mr.Anand. if tannu have agreed,then wats with him..
Swara: it's you who is being stub
Shekar: (interupts) angel, (he shooks his head.)

Swara sighs and closes her eyes to control her anger..  

Divya: harish wats the hurry for their marriage.  They are still young for it..
Harish : im just finalising their engagement.. marriage will be after they complete their studies.. . 

Divya shooks her head..

Divya : but
Harish : (strictly) no more arguments..
Swara: but u said , u will ask for their decision..
Harish: I asked them..   tannu agreed..
Harish leaves followed by divya who was still not satisfied with his decision..

Swara looks at tannu blankly, no one is angry with her but her decision made them angry.  Wat happened tat she decided a big thing.

  It's of course, the decision which people make when they are angry..  So it's better for everyone to think before they speak.   Once the words spoken can never be taken back.

  Tannu looks at swavee with guilt.   She din't think before she spoke..  It's all becoz of her  so called anger. Yes she was angry when she reached home.. And Her decision  was made due to her anger. She regretted the decision she made... 

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