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Flashback continues :

Swara takes sanskar to his own house backyard.. S they made sanky busy, so tat they could decorate the backyard..  Swara made sanky stand at the entrance which was indeed made by them with a fake ceiling, which when entered rose petals could shower upon them..  Swara slowly removes The cloth from sanky's eyes... He opens his eyes n a hearty smiles form on his lips..  He looks at Swamish with lots of love...

He was admiring the beauty of his backyard.. It was beautifully decorated with different kinds of lights throughout the backyard..  The balloons were scattered all around the ground..  Seperate passage for waking was arranged with a red carpet .. As soon as sanskar stepped in, rose petals falls on him n his face was glowing with an everlasting smile.. Then a girl comes to him n gives him a rose wishing him for his beautiful day.. Yes it was the same girl from whom Sanky snatched the packet..  He just smiles seeing her n she kisses his cheeks with an beautiful smile murmuring chorry with her cute little mouth.. Sanky kiss her back with a smile n the girl runs away.. 

When he moves fwd he finds a hydrogen balloon where happy birthday was written on it..  He holds swara's hand n squeezes it..  Then karan, sameer, Prince, naman and ranveer comes with a bang playing dhol.. Sanky smiles looking at them..  It was quite funny to look at his frnds, playing dhol without any knowledge abt it..  Then swara closes sankys eyes n lifts his head up whispering


There it was a blast in the sky.. Swara opens sankys eyes, n sanky could witness the sky being coloured with his birthday wish..  Though it was midnight, their frnds arranged a rainbow 🌈 coloured sky wishing him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY .. It was beyond his expectation..

Then he celebrated his birthday by cutting cake... He makes swara have the first bite n then feeds evryone..  Then music was played n they start to sway along with the music..  Mishvee made sanvee frnds busy n swara takes sanky into the  house.. She takes out a bracelet which Salman Khan wears..  But the difference is tat their names were carved in the blue stone..  It was such tat, their name could be seen only in the darkness..  Like a neon light... How romantic...

Swara switches of the light to show the names carved in the bracelet..  Sanky hugs her in excitement seeing their names shining in the darkness...  She makes him wear the bracelet.. When she was abt to switch on the light, he pins Her to the wall n murmurs sorry...

Swara: stop it sanskar.. 
Sanky: no swara, u just beat me..  It was all my fault..  I shouldn't have overreacted...
Swara:(puts her hands across his neck)  but u were right in ur place..  So stop blaming urself..  If I wound have been in ur place, I would have killed u till now..
Sanky: (kisses her red cheek sensuously)  is it paining...
Swara : sanskar.... (closes her eyes)
Sanky: im really so

She captures his lips making him quite.. He smiles seeing her nature to calm him down..  It was a gentle kiss, but sanky soon remembers the moment which he felt like loosing her n takes out his anger n frustration by biting her lower lip hard,which results in bleeding..  He then soothes Her by gently caressing his lips with hers..  They soon part away by panting n looks into eachothers eyes..

Sanky looks at swara with lots of love but he gets disturbed by veer..

Veer: sanskar!!! (shakes him) sanskar..  We reached Mumbai..!!

Sanky opens his eyes n comes back to his sense n smiles recalling the night(readers dont think anything ahem ahem abt the night,lol) .. 

Sanky smiles seeing the studio were the competition is going to be taken place... Before going to the studio, they book a room n gets frenshen up..

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