Chap -13

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Swara: sanskar.. I'm not
Sanky:(interupts)  I'm taking u for my engagement..

Swara gets shocked n widened her eyes....  Sanky looks into her eyes,both could sense eachothers pain.  But swara composes herself n smiles faintly by hiding her tears..

Swara: congratulations sanskar.  But I can't come..  I have collage to attend..
Sanky: I dont care anything abt it..  I think u forgot something (smiles n lifts his eyebrows questioningly)
Swara recalls something..

*****Flashback *****
Sanky: (teary eyes) swara , I really dont know abt this..  I dint
Swara:(cuts him off) sanskar.. I trust u completely... U r my life..  I trust u more than myself..  I know u very well..  But we can't do this sanskar..   I want u to move on..  U have to move on,n I will help u in moving on...

Sanky: so, tell me,will u not help to move on...
Swara:(monologue)  y r u doing this sanskar.. I can't see u with anyone else,it kills me.. 
Swara: (smiles sadly)  ok..  I will come by myself...
Sanky :u r coming now..  N tats final..

Swara has no courage to argue with him.   She just nods n mishtanvee gets happy n starts packing her bags.. Salman n kiran notice her..

Kiran: swara, r u going back..
Swara: no kiran, I will be back after my frnd  engagement..

Sanky looks at her, gritting his teeth.. N swara stop mishtan from packing her clothes.

Swara : no need for this..  I will be back in two days..  I will adjust from the clothes at home..
Kiran n Salman gets happy..
Salman: will miss u swara..
Kiran: haan..  Now I have to face tat devil Priya all alone..
Swara chuckles..
Salman: come back swara..  I will be waiting for u..

Sanvee n mishtan looks at him with fuming eyes.. When Salman was abt to hug her n bid bye, sanky holds swara's hand n takes her out from their startling both of them.. Priya comes at tat time n gets more jealous seeing swara with an more dashing handsome guy..  Mishtan looks at her n could see hatred towards swara in her eyes.. 

Mishtan smirks n winks at eachother..  Mishtan starts running n mishti pushes tannu  who intern loses balance n pushes priya in order to balance herself .. Priya falls down.. Tannu looks at her in puppy dog eyes n murmurs sorry n scolds mishti..

Tannu: Wats wrong with u mishti, wat if i would have fell dwn.. Coz of this lady Im safe..  Thank u young lady..
Priya : lady??  Huh..  Wat the

Before she could say ,mishtan runs from their stamping her foot,leaving her shouting in pain... (devil girls)

Priya : ahhhh... Ahhhhh

Evryone comes out n gets seated in the car ..mishvee in the front n swamishsan at the back..  Swara sits next to tannu..  The journey from Mumbai to Delhi begins..  Sanky rests his head in cars window n closes his eyes..

Swasan looks at eachother lovingly. 
Swara: sanskar..  I love so much.. (hugs him)
Sanky: I love u too swara(hugs her back)

They both hug eachother passionately..  He slowly pecks her shoulder making her giggle.. Listening her, he starts nuzzling his head in her neck n slowly moves her hairs on one side..  He slowly kisses her neck sending shiver down her spines..  Her legs fall weak..  He tighten his grip on her waist .. She struggles to get out of his clutches but he  pulls her more into him.. She bites his earlobe n whispers..

Swara : leave me..
Sanky: ahh..

He breaks the hug for a moment to look at her n smiles naughtily n hugs her back more tightly.. He starts giving her hickeys making her moan his name to stop him..  But he smiles mischievously..  She hugs him n starts digging her nails on his back.  both parts away n swara starts hitting him on his chest..

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