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Swara kisses his cheek whispering "my return gift " n the trio gets shocked along with sanky... He keeps hand on his cheek n looks at swarA astonished.. Evryone in the park smiles looking at SwaSan..

Veer : ahem ahem...  Angel, wat an daring act!! Mishu, learn something from her..

Mishu hits him on his shoulder ..

Mishu: shut up..

They enjoy so much after a long time.. Swasan keeps exchanging glances at eachother.. Mishvee tells them abt "Haji Ali" one of a pilgrimage centre for Muslims..  Veer  tells them abt the people's belief abt the place,tat their wishes get fulfilled.. He too wants to go their n wish something. He says looking at mishu..  She blushes n swasan teases them..  Tannu too agrees n her face lightens up.. Swara notices her n smiles..

They reach haji ali dargah n pray for sometime..  Swara holds tannu n comes out leaving sanveemish..

Tannu : kya hua angel.
SwarA: tell me, wats bothering u??
Tannu: wat do u mean??
Swara: tannu,i know u more than urself..  So tell me everything..

Tannu looks down..

Tannu: im sorry..
Swara: for wat..
Tannu: for lying...
Swara :(hugs her)  tell me, wat happened to u..?? Is it abt Rohit..

Tannu breaks the hug n looks at her puzzled .. Swara smiles..

Swara: I knew it..  Did he do anything..
Tannu: no angel..  It's just tat, I dont know..  I just hate him.. 
Swara :(shocked) wat??  U hate him..
Tannu : ya..  I just hate him..
Swara:(controls her smile) oh..ok..  Reason behind this hatred??
Tannu : nothing..
Swara:(smiles)  I heard, he was the only one who cheered u in my absence..
Tannu: haan(smiles)he was a very good frnd.... 
Swara: frnd??  Ok.. But mera tannu, tell me wat he did Now to deserve this hatred??
Tannu: u know angel, (becomes sad)  he is going to US for his further studies..
Swara: oh..  So u r angry with him, tat he is leaving to US...
Tannu: no..  I'm not angry tat he is going to US.. It's just tat, he dint even tell me abt it..
Swara: (confused) then how did u knew..
Tannu: I just heard from his class mates.. He dint even bother to tell me.. I use to share everything with him..  I was a duffer to do so.. But he dint even thought to tell me once..  Wat kind of frnd he is..??
Swara: yes... how can he hide such a big thing..
Tannu: haan... How can he??
Swara: u just hate him for hiding this truth from u..
Tannu: haan, i just hate him for this..
Swara: he is not ur frnd anymore..
Tannu: haan.. He is not my frnd anymore..
Swara: now ,he have become more than a frnd..
Tannu: haan, he is more than a frnd..

Swara smiles n tannu widens her eyes n looks at her..

Swara: (gives her a bone crushing hug)  so mera tannu is in love...
Tannu:(breaks the hug)  no..  I'm not.. U know na,i just hate him..
Swara : Arei baba, u r so concerned about him..  N moreover u r so angry coz, he dint share his life changing decision with u..
Tannu:(gets sad) haan angel.. But I dont love him..
Swara: tu maan ya  na maan ...u r affected by this.. So just talk to him once..
Tannu: I tried to talk but he ignored  tat..  So now I'm ignoring him..
Swara : I saw him disturbed, when u ignored him..
Tannu: is he??
Swara : haan, he is too...

Swara makes her realise but soon sanveemish joins n jokes on them.. Soon they had their lunch in an restaurant .. Drives back to hotel.. Swara shows priya's video to mishtan n sanvee..  They all laugh out loud seeing her special treatment

Swara: she was eyeing my sanky..
Veer: so mera angel got jealous huh..
Swara: Ahh.. I'm not..
Sanky: is tat so..?? Well, my hotel receptionist is so hot..
Swara: I will kill her along with u...
Mishu: 😂 bhai, u r  so lucky.. But swara, long back my bhai doesn't had interest in any girls.. But now, he has changed a lot..
Swara:(sad)  haan.. He changed alot..  Always he compliments other girls..
Sanky: oh ho.. (moves towards her) I never compliment them..
Mishu: but bhai??
Sanky: chup bait..
Mishu pouts.. 
Swara: but u always praise the other girls..
Sanky:  It was always u, whom I think before praising..  So no girl is as beautiful as you.. 
Mishu: me bhai???

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