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Evryday sun rises,  same happens in this morning as well.   But indeed its a special morning.   Swasan holding each other makes it a wonderful and bliss moment..  Swara's head on sanky's shoulder ,one hand around his waist n her leg wrapped around his leg..(Aww) she is sleeping with an angelic smile on her face..  Sanky too is deep in his sleep, intervened his fingers with hers...

Mishti is approaching towards swara's room to wake her .. She comes n opens the door knob..  But poor thing is, the door is locked..  Mishti takes aback!!

Mishti: Arei, how come the room is locked.  She never lock her room..  (sighs)  oh god.   Now how will I wake her!!

She knocks the door, but no response..  Hehe,indeed both busy in their beauty sleep...mishti gets tired of knocking n calling out swara's name.. So she began to shout..

Mishti : (shouts) angel!! Angel??? !(bangs) swara???

Swara gets Little disturbed with the noise, she just turns in her sleep..

Sanky: (murmurs)mom, let me sleep.. 

She popped her eyes out on hearing sankys voice.. 

Swara: sanskar!!!
Mishti:(knocks)  angel, u r getting late.. Get up.. 
Swara: Arei, mom!!!!..  Ab kya karu.. ???Sanskar..(shakes him) sanskar utho...  Mom is at the door..
Sanky: sone do..  Plss.  
Swara: aww..  Sanky
Mishti: angel beta, get up!!
Swara: (shouts) haaan mom..  (bites her tongue) 
Mishti: u got up ha?? 
Swara: s mom, two minutes..
Mishti : but beta, why is the door locked?
Swara:locked?? (monologue)  wat should i do now?? 
Mishti: haan..  Just open it..
Sanky :(eyes half open) go n open
Swara: have u gone nuts.. 
Sanky: let her see, her daughter can't stay without me..
Swara: huh..  Sanskar, pls go..
Sankt: Arei, u only told me to stay, n now asking me to leave..  Huh.. (pouts)
Swara:mom is at the door sanskar..  Atleast go n hide
Sanky: u make some excuse..  Don't disturb my sleep.   I'm really sleepy.   So u too sleep..  Tell ur mom to go from here.. .   Or else, shall I tell her.??. U dint let me sleep the whole night. 

Swara gets shocked n beats him..  But he pulls her by waist n make her lie down.   He nuzzle his head in her neck n sleeps by pulling over the blanket .. Which startled her making a shout..

Swara: ahhh!!
Mishti: angel!!  .wat happened beta??? (worried)
Swara: huh..  Coming mom. 

Swara Pulls back the blanket n wakes up sanky both falls off from the bed with a thud, swara in top of sanky, he was abt to shout but she closed his mouth (kisses his cheek) ..

Swara : arei my cutie pie, my sweetheart, my chocopie.  (kisses again on his cheek)  Pls..
Sanky: arei itna torcher mat Karo yaar..  Huh(pouts)
Swara:(murmurs)  torcher mai ya Tum kar rahe ho..

He gets up to go but suddenly they hear door knob sound n widens their eyes..  Mishti rushes inside the room.  

Misti: angel!!  (touches her cheeks) y did u shout.. R u hurt..

Swara looks at her mom in puppy eyes.  Don't know how to react.. 

Mishti: kya hua..
Swara:mom(smiles 😀, gets angry 😠again smiles 😃)
Mishti: angel, r u fine.   Wat happened??  Y r u behaving strange(checks her forhead.)
Swara signs n move little fwd.  
Swara : I'm fine mom.  I just saw a big cockroach... 
Mishti: cockroach.   !!😂 where is it now??
Swara: idiot is hiding!!
Mishti: 😂 angel, tell me I will try to kill it..

Sanky widens his eyes..

Swara : I too wish to kill..  But..
Mishti: swara, u will kill it.   😂..  Joke of the day.. 

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