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Sameer - arjun bijlani
Karan - karan tacker
Ranveer - sakthi arora
Naman - naman of yrkklh
Prince - Prince from big boss..
The episode begins with swamish looking shocked seeing their surrounding.. Swara keeps looking at them n burst out laughing.. Veer tries hard to control his laugh.. He tries hard to give her a cold look but swara keeps laughing.. While mishu doesn't get anything, wats happening..

Swara:(holding her stomach) sweetu, this look.. Omg.. Stop giving tat look.. U r looking like a donkey... .

Mishu giggles while his own gang chuckles but again, they lift their eyebrows.. They were sanvee frnds ... naman, prince, karan, ranveer and sameer..

Sameer: laughing at ur senior.. Hey girl, just do wat we say.. Get tat In ur mind.. (angry)
Karan: how many times u have tortured us, now it's our turn.. (shoots draggers)
Prince: get ready to face the hell princess..(smirks)
Ranveer: we were waiting for this opportunity from two yrs.. (smiles evilly)

Swara looks at them with a puppy face.. Veer starts to melt.. His frnds turn to him n gives him a death glare.. He composes himself.. Swara pouts..

Veer: u have to listen miss.. (tight smile) I'm not the same veer.. (smirks) n u, (at mishti) guys she is one of the new devil..
Sameer : oh.. Then u will be our special guest..
Naman: toh just salute ur seniors(at mishti)

Mishu gets scared. Swara tries hard to control her laugh.. Mishu salutes them.. They were scaring her like hell.. N veer was just enjoying the view..

Veer: Now, swara.. Come-on salute..
Swara: Wat did u say sweetu..
Sameer: salute or else, ur punishment will be severe..

A voice from behind
Voice: y, the torcher at home was not enough tat u guys are challenging her..
Swamish: tannu..

The trio hugs.. While veers gang sighs..

Swara: Arei my sweetus frnds, if I torcher u when I was a younger, then now, I'm more matured, so just think abt the consequences.. (winks at them)
Karan: watever Dear from today, ur beautiful journey starts.. Get ready.
Prince: Or if u want, we will forgive u, just do wat we say..
Sanky: wats happening here ..

(no one knows abt swasan except mishtanvee)

Ranveer: Arei sanky, u know wat, she is a patakha..

Sanky widens his eyes..

Karan: atlast, she Is our junior Now, so we can tease her alot..
Naman: more than a devil..
Swara : I'm a devil.. U..!!!!
Prince: u know wat Sanky, this devils(swara n tannu) always disturb us whenevr we go to veer's house.. God knows, how much we have suffered..
Sameer: we just want to teach them a lesson..
Sanky: oh aisa.. (at swara) patakha(winks at her) nice name.. U were disturbing my frnds,u should get some punishment.. So guys tell me, wat u want to do with her..
Prince: sanky, a monkey statue is there at our entrance right..
Sanky: ya..
Veer: guys.. No need..
Ranveer: shut up veer.. Prince u continue..
Veer:(In mind) u all r going to suffer..
Prince: so miss swara, ur punishment is to kiss the monkey..
Swatanmish widens their eyes..
Swara thinks for a while..
Swara : u guys want me to kiss a monkey(makes faces)
Sameer: ya .. Kiss the monkey..
Swara: okay!!

Everyone gets shocked n widened their eyes..

Swara goes n kiss sankys cheek n pulls his cheek.. Evryone gets double shock n their eyes popped Out .. Even the girls passing by gets shocked seeing the dare..

Swara: choo chweet.. U r a cute monkey.. Aww.. (pulls his cheek again) sanky is ur gangs head na.. U guys are not les than monkeys..

Swatanmish burst out laughing.. And leaves from their winking at the boys.. While, whole gang were shocked.. Sanky was happy, sad, angry,irritated and frustrated.. All emotions on his face.. Veer too laughed out..

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