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Harish : I came from Maldives only to inform a good news to all. But so many things happened in one day and I wasn't able to tell anyone..

Shekar: good news?
Hariya: haan Bhaiya good news. 
Swara:wat Is tat?
Harish : I have finalised tannu and veers engagement with my business partner children

Evryone widens their eyes in shock.  A lone tear escapes from tannu's eye.  She couldn't believe tat her father took a big decision without their concern.   He was bound to accept the proposal was the only reason given by him.

Harish : I wasn't able to deny him Bhaiya.  He is such a gentleman and a good person.  He brought the proposal and how can I refuse him. He even told me to ask my children but I was so happy tat i told him my children never oppose my decision.  But (looks at tanvee) I guess, it was my biggest mistake ..
Shekar : you should think abt their happiness Hari..
Harish: bhaiya Pls, try to understand.

Tanvee were helplessly looking at harish.

Harish:(walks towards tanvee)  beta ,I have given my words to him. I dont want to force u guys.  But if i deny him, wat will he think abt my upbringing. (Wat an emotional blackmail) I wont force you, but I will give two weeks time. Think alot and give me ur answer..

Tanvee bends their head down and nods silently with teary eyes. One side was their love and the other side was their fathers reputation. They were in such a big mess. 

At college

Sanky: Wat???? Uncle fixed your alliance.  Wat the !!!!!

Swara keeps hand on sanky's shoulder. Mishu stands like a statue.

Veer : mishu,
Mishu : Wat did you decide veer?
Veer: I dont know mishu.  I'm just confused..
Swara:  we will think abt it
Tannu: there is nothing to think abt it.. Its crystal clear.  Dad have trapped us from all side.
Swara : don't tell me, you are going to give up on him.
Tannu : I don't want to give up but the situation
Veer : no tannu, we have another option, dad gave us two weeks time right..
Swara:(eyes sparkle) wat if we kidnap
Veer : (shocked) kidnap???
Sanky: swara, seriously, kidnap!!  Huh!!
Swara : we will kidnap tat boy and girl..
Tannu: angel,seriously .. U r planning to kidnap them huh..

Swara smiles sheepishly

Veer: no angel(smiles) we cant deny dad, but we can make them to refuse us na..
Swara: in your dreams sweetu.. If we try to talk to them,are you sure they will listen?
Mishu: haan, who will refuse to marry my handsome..
Sanky: ohhhh handsome..
Mishu bites her tongue.
Tannu: seriously is it a time for joke mishu??
Swavee: oh hello..
Swara and veer looks at eachother..
Tannu: uff, now pls dont start ur praising drama.. I'm fed-up from childhood..
Swara : my sweetu is always handsome, got tat..
Sanky: (wraps his hand around her neck) swara, wat abt me..
Swara: Aww, (pulls his cheek)  you are my cutie pie..
Sanky: swara( gives her angry glare)
Swara : OK K..(wraps her arms around his neck) You are my hot Greek god hubby(winks at him) .. 
Sanky:( kisses her cheeks) and you are my stunningly beautiful wifey..
Tannu:(closes her eyes) god, pls save me ..
Evryone chuckles.

Swara: haan, don't be jealous..  Well where is your majnu..
Tannu: Rohit?? 
Swara: no..  Purohit..
Evryone burst out laughing..
Tannu :(makes faces) very funny..
Mishu : but where is he??
Tannu: dont know, where the hell he is..
Swara: dint you inform him abt this??
Tannu : no..
Evryone gets shocked..
Sanky: why tannu
Tannu: Im scared..  (blinks)
Swara: you are impossible..
Tannu:(smiles sheepishly) I will tell him today.
Veer: lets plan something to know abt them.
Mishu : so wat are we going to do ??
Swara: haan, sweetu. But chachu dint told their names.
Tannu: if he get a single doubt, our total plan will fail.
Sanky: right.. If we ask All of a sudden ,uncle will never say abt them.
Veer: Wat will we do now??
Swara: let's decide after your final match.
Sanvee gets shocked..
Swara: I know, u both would have forgotten.   Go for practice,tats why we came to college right..

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