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[Don't forget to read authors note AT THE END ]
Hello guys..  I'm really sorry for being late..    Reading this chapter , all your complaints will fade away..  I hope so..  But guys, i have worked a lot for this chapter..  Read everything..  Especially songs, Coz i have chosen with so much care..  And one of my frnd neha helped me with one song. Other songs are of my choice.. And the song dedicated for Swasan is my all time favorite and it has swasan emotions in it.. I hope u all like it.. 
The episode begins with

Swara shouts from the entrance to stop the engagement..

Tannu and veer instantly looks at the door and left out their breath which they have been holding from long.. They find swara and Sanskar standing at the door .. Immediately smile forms on their lips.

But TanVee smile instantly drops when they hear..

Swara: how mean!!! (pouts)  you guys are getting engaged without me. 

Tannu lifts her veil with a lone tear and smiles sadly seeing swara. Sanskar was smiling like an idiot. Silence filled the hall. SwaSan smiles seeing tannu and veer.. Tannu looks at swara who was grinning ear to ear . Just then the groom leans and kisses tannu's cheek.

She gets angry and turns to slap him but stops in the middle with wide eyes, while the groom closes his eyes in fear.  She sits on the chair with a thud. While veer snaps his head in her direction and widens his eyes.

Veer:(shocked) Rohit!!!!!!

He turns to see his father, who was smiling and looks at SwaSan, who winks at him. Tannu was in the state of shock while veer was like something  bit him..

He slowly turns to his bride and lifts her veil with closed eyes.  Their was a blow on his face. He opens his eyes and sighs impossible. He was taken a back.. 

Veer: (whispers in shock)  mishu....

Tannu who heard his whisper turns and get shocked seeing mishu.. Both TanVee shooks their head crying, then smiles and then starts laughing with tears flowing..  Mishu and Rohit comforts them holding their shoulder.

Rohit cups tannu's face and wipes her tears, while mishu wipes veer's tears and cups one side of his cheek. Tannu hugs Rohit and veer hugs mishu tightly.. And swara jumps on sanksar Ang hugs him being happy..

  Sanky hugs her tight fully excited. He kisses swara's cheek instantly and starts kissing all over her face and hugs her again.  He slowly whispers in her ear

Sanky: you have no idea how badly I want to claim those lips..

Swara smiles shyly and hits his chest.. They part away and gets shocked. Both tannu and veer jerks their respective partners shocking everyone.. They get down from the stage. Swara and Sanskar looks on shocked..

Swara: tannu.. 

Rohit follows tannu while swara holds tannu hand and stops her..

Swara: tannu!!!  Wat happened?

Tannu hugs her and weeps.

Tannu: why did he come.. I hate him..
Swara : tannu(strokes her back) relax..
Tannu:(breaks the hug) you too knew it right!!!
Rohit: tannu.. (comes towards her)
Tannu: stop...  I hate you..
Rohit :(holds her shoulder)  I just wanted to surprise you..
Tannu: by killing me.
Rohit: tannu.. Dare not to say tatt (cups her face) Try to understand..  I just thought to surprise you..

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