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The episode begins with sanskar Closing his eyes and Wrapping his one hand around swara's waist, while the other hand on her cheek.. Leaning towards eachothers lips , swara-sanskar jumps and parts away due to a sudden scream..

They turn around to find mishu closing her eyes and making faces..

Mishu: bhai, clg hai!! And tat too parking lot..

SwaSan were totally embarrassed .

Sanky: (scratches his head) bas mishu..  We weren't doing anything..  Something went inside swara's eyes and I was just checking it.. now open your eyes.

Mishu splits her fingers, slowly opening her eyes and sighs.. 

Mishu: thank god bhai.(exclaims) do you think I will belive your lame excuse.   (laughs) My poor eyes!!!..  You don't leave a chance to romance.. Oh god..

Sanky: mishu ki bachi.. I will (runs after her)

Mishu runs all around the parking lot..  Swara laughs seeing them..

Swara: guys ,enough..  Come lets leave..

Sanky stops in his spot . Swara asks them to get in the car. 

When the trio get seated, sanky gains Swamish attention and becomes serious..

Sanky: I got to know abt Rohit..

Swamish looks at eachother..

Sanky : I guess tannu would have heard his frnds discussion..
Swara : Wat did they discuss??
Sanky: woh, rohit have gone to USA.
SwaMish: Wat?? 
Sanky : (nods)  yaa..  For a proposal..
Swara: for a proposal..??

Sanky: (nods)  I just got to know tat his alliance is fixed.  If Rohit get married, his dad have promised him to give his position..

Swamish nods..

Mishu : so tats way tannu was angry..
Sanky: may be..  As he choosed his career over her..
Swara:  I can't believe this sanskar..
Sanky: ya right... But, We can't assume things such tat.. 
Swara: Wat we are suppose to do now.. 
Sanky: i dont understand swara..  Tannu should have atleast talk to him. 
Swara: but his phone is not reachable..
Sanky: haan, but just think, if he is not at fault. Six lifes will be spoiled..
Swamish:(shocked)  six???? 
Sanky  nods..

Sanky: six lifes.. !! Not only tanvee ,mishu and Rohit is involved here.  The one who is going to engaged with tanvee are also involved..

Swamish looks at eachother..

Mishu: sorry bhai, but I guess harish uncle will never accept me..  So it's better they get engaged... As far as tannu and veer are happy..

Sanky: mishu
Mishu: it's true bhai..
Swara: don't worry mishu.. Everything will be fine..  We will do something.

Mishu smiles faintly.. Sanky looks at swara and she gives him a sweet smile.. He smiles back. But he is disturbed with so many thoughts..  One side it was because of tanvee and other side due to swara's sudden kiss. He thinks to ask her later..

Two days later............

It was beautiful morning with a brisk environment.  Eveyone is seen getting ready for some function..  It is obviously, engagement of taniya and veer..

Swara's family enters harish home.  Harish looks at shekar and both hugs eachother happily . While mishti and divya does vice versa.. Swara happily greets harish and divya.  She goes to meet tanvee by excusing herself..

She enters tannu's room and finds it dark. When she switch onn the lights,she finds tannu in corner weeping silently.  Swara runs to her and hugs her tightly..

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