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Mishu: haan bhai..  I just forgot abt it..
Swara: ya..  How do u know tat i was there..

Sanvee looks at eachother n smiles..

Veer: thanks to my mom..
Swamishtan : how???

Sanky takes swara's hand n shows her wrist..
Swara looks at him with a question..

Veer: angel ur watch..!!!
Swara: my watch...!!!!
Mishtan: oh my god... !!!!
Swara: haan..  Intelligent huh...
Tannu: haaan, all thanks to mom..  It's only due to her..
Sanky: watch mei tracking device was the best gift...
Veer: it was all moms idea..  From when, swara was missing from the hill,she planned it long back..

Swamishtan smiles while sanvee grins.. 

Veer : arrei where are our ice creams.. So mean angel..
Swara: wait i will bring ice creams for u both..
Veer: my best buddy(pulls her cheeks)unlike others sirf Apna khaa rahe hai(taunt at tannu)
Tannu: watever..  I wont come in ur words..  U guys, we're too much at clg..

Veer makes faces while swara was abt to leave

Sanky : sweet heart,  i need a chocolate too (winks at swara)
Swara: duffer(throws a pillow at him n leaves)

While sanky grins.   Veer looks at him with question look..

Sanky:(at veer)  kya???
Veer: I just doubt u!!!??? (looks at him with a corner eye..)
Sanky: no veer..(blinks innocently) Don't judge my intentions...
Veer: I dint say anything abt ur intentions.. So tell me, wat were u telling her..

Swara comes at tatt time..

Swara: Wat happened??
Sanky: sweetheart he is asking abt ur chocolate...

Swara widens her eyes  n looks at sanvee too n fro... She shook her head..

Veer: wat happened angel..
Swara : ur ice creams..  It will melt..
Veer: is he, teasing u...
Swara:(startled)  no sweetu..  Nothing like tat.  N u guys have this..

Sanvee looks at ice cream bowl n at swara.. Then they both look at eachother..

Veer: sanky...???
Sanky: veer...???
Swara: arei kya hua.. 
Veer: ice cream colour is different.
Swara: huh.  Bas!!!.   Idiots..  Aunty made a different flavor tats it.
Sanky: okay..  But wat flavour is this.   Its in red colour.
Veer: haan first time I'm seeing it..
Swara: if u want eat..  I dont care.

she puts the tray on the table n get settled with the girls ...

Sanvee looks at eachother n at the ice cream..  Their mouth melts..  Finally they grab the bowl n smell it..  It was indeed smelling good..  Both smile looking at eachother n take a full spoon n puts it in their mouth to gulp it..

Their eyes pop out with continuous tears..  Looks at swara, who burst out laughing along with mishtan..

Sanvee: (shouts)  ahhhhhhhhhhh......
Sanky: paani!!!!! .. (runs here n there)
Veer: Mummaaaa....!!!  Pani(runs out)

Swatanmish follows them  laughing out... Sanvee drinks a jug Full Of water..  Still shouting n panting heavily..

Veer: angel, wat the hell yaar..
Mishu: u guys needed this.. 
Tannu : haan..  Flirting with those girls...

Sona comes there..

Sona: wat happened..
Sanky:mom.. This girl..  Huh.   She mixed chilli in our ice creams..

Sona burst out laughing..
Sanky takes ice cubes n rubs on his lips.. 

Sanky: mom..  U r laughing.   How mean..
Swara: u know aunty..  They were flirting with our class girls..  N moreover, they teased us alot..
Mishu: haan mom..  They pour a bucket of water on our heads..  (shoot draggers at veer)
Veer: arei.. We were just having fun..
Tannu: then we too had fun.. Tats it..

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