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Sorry for being late....  I was busy with my stuffs..  My stuffs in the sense, a good news...  Well I will update my chapters , a little late..  I read many of thems msgs regarding my ffs..  I'm sorry for being late...  But I won't let u guys be sad.. I will try to update asap... Thank for being so supportive..

Swasan meet..
Sanky: swara, wat did soumya told u??
Swara: sanskar, I want a favor from u..
Sanky:(tensed)  swara, tell me wat happened there.
Swara: nothing serious sanskar, I want u to marry soumya..
Sanky gets shocked..
Sanky: (on the verge of crying )swara, I cant do this..  Look, I really don't know wat happened.. Im guilty for watever happened..Pls trust me swara..  I can't love anyone , other than u..
Swara:(teary eyes) sanskar Pls try to understand.. Just think abt soumya..
Sanky: no swara..  We will talk n sort out evrything.. Swara n sanskar are meant together.. (teary eyes) swara , I really dont know abt this..  I dint
Swara:(cuts him off) sanskar.. I trust u completely... U r my life..  I trust u more than myself..  I know u very well..  But we can't do this sanskar..   I want u to move on..  U have to move on,n I will help u in moving on...

Saying this swara leaves from their n locks herslf in her room .. She cries vigorously until she falls asleep..

These nights where the beginning of swasan's sleepless nights...

Sanskar tried hard to talk with swara but gauri was always taunting Her tat she is the reason ,sanky is not accepting soumya.. Sanskar was feeling guilty but he wasn't able to recall the night.. Gauri doesn't leave a chance to taunt swara,Even after she sacrifuced her life,her sanskar to them...,But sanky wasn't accepting soumya..  So she decides to talk to sinson..  Next day swara visited Sinha house.. Sanky was so happy to see swara after three days..but she went to sinson n talked abt Sanya.. She convinced sinson tat sanskar loves soumya n they are afraid of their reaction..  Sinha happily agreed after swara's talk..  They decide to do their engagement in the next two days, it was when swara decides to leave the house..  As she can't see him getting far away from her..  But sanskar was heartbroken on swara's decision.  He kept postponing the engagement n kept himself busy in studies n his room..
*****flashback *****

Swara: this is wat happened..

Sinha was shocked to hear everything..  He could understand the pain swasan went through..

Sinha: but beta,
Sanky:(interupts) I will tell u dad, now Im getting everything... I dint know bua will scoop to this level..  They played with my feelings..  She made me guilty dad..
Swara: they played a vey big game sanskar...
Sanskar: after swara left from here, I was so indulge in clg and my room..  Bua always taunt me n make me guilty..  She made me accept soumya. One day,i went to one of my frnds party.. At tat time ,my frnds made me drink seeing my condition..

Sanky:(drunken state) y did u leave me swara.. I dint do anything ..

Sanky soon fell unconscious.. Then sanky stayed at veer's house.. Sanskar wakes up holding his head..  He recalls sterdays night..  He thinks

Sanky: if I remember Wat happened sterday.. Then tat day..(holds his head) I just remember til I passed out tat day..  Then wat would have happened later..

Veer comes to him n starts beating him..

Sanky: veer, wat happened.. Wat did i do..
Veer: sanskar.. Wat did u do?  God, who told u to drink, If u can't handle..
Sanky: did i do anything wrong..
Veer: ya, u passed out n tats it..  U slept then n their..  I tried hard to wake up..  But u were sleeping like a stone..
Sanky: I dint wake up in the middle..
Veer: wats wrong with u.. I should have thought before itself, when they offered u drink.. Tat day too u passed out soon n u dint care to get up.. From when swara left, u r totally out of control..

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