Lost boy - Jhope/Hoseok x Reader

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Y/N =your name
Y/L/N =your last name
F/C= favourite colour
Y/F/N= your friends name
Y/T= your town
Y/N/N =your nickname

Smut meter: 8

Y/N .p.o.v.

I walked down the dark streets of Y/T, I went to Y/F/N house , she held a party for her getting a promotion on her job.

To be honest I didnt really care about her promotion, I just got kicked out of my job yesterday.

I have no idea why but I was kicked out and was pissed and that stupid party didnt help me at all , loud music , people dancing , chatting , laughing , alcohol and people hocking up at the end is just not my thing.

So here I am now walking home in the rain and dark. I am wearing F/C dress which reaches my mid thighs with flats and not jacket or anything.

I was fucking freezing.

Every one by now was hidden in there homes but i saw this young man sitting on the bench"pardon mister" I said as i got close to him.

"Mwo?" "Pardon?" "Oh sorry ummm." "No it's fine as I can see you're not from here it's fine." I say and give him a small smile and he smiles back.

I couldnt see his face clearly but he had beautiful feature. "So what are you doing here at night when its raining?" I asked and crouched down in front of him.

"I got lost from my group of friends and decided to stay here." He said looking down at the wet pathment."Aww how long have you been here."I kept looking at his face but he just kept looking away.

"I dont know I sat down here when the sun set..." "Oh my god you must be so cold come with me my house isnt far away."I grabbed his hand and we started to walk to my house.

"What if my friends return?" "Don't worry we can look for them tomorrow now we got to get you warm." I kept on quickly walking until we got to my small house.

I took my key out of my small purse and walked in closing the door after him.

"I'll get you some clothes." I said and went up stairs taking my shoes off as I walked up stairs.

I went into my drawer where I found my ex-boyfriends clothes that he left here. I took a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a long sleeved shirt/sweater and changed into a pair of leggings and baggy shirt and went down stairs .

He was looking around my living room looking at the pictures of me and my friend on my wall."I got you the clothes sorry if they are too small or big."I said walking over to him.

He turned around and now i could see his face clearly , his mysterious dark brown eyes , his beautiful tan skin , his kissable lips... Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT YOU ONLY MET HIM TEN MINUTES AGO!

"Uhh you okay?" "Yes I am anyways go dress ill make hot chocolate."He smiled and went up stairs.

I warmed up the milk and added two spoons of cocoa powder in both cups and stirred them until they both were milky brown.

I added two marshmallows in both and went back to the living room. I placed the cups on the table and shortly after he came down the stairs holding his wet clothes.

"Where should I put the wet clothes?" "Put them on the radiator , do the clothes fit?" He nodded his head and gave me a small smile and then put the clothes on the radiator.

"I never got your name." I said and sat down on the couch."My name is Jung Hoseok , call me Jhope." He smiled," I am Y/N Y/L/N call me Y/N/N or Y/N." "Thank you for the clothes Y/N." "No problem , now drink your hot chocolate." I Said and smiled at him as he sat next to me.

"Can't you call your friends?" I asked and he shook his head. "I cant my phone doesn't work overseas." "That sucks , I dont know what else we can do then sorry Jhope." I shrugged.

"Its fine dont worry."I looked at him and he was shivering.I got up and rushed to my under stairs area and took out my blanket.

I went behind him and wrapped it around him. He jumped in shock but then relaxed.

"You seemed cold so heres a blanket." I said as my arms where around him fixing the blanket.

I was about to move away but he whispered,"Stay.." And held my wrist."W-why?" I stuttered and he let go of my wrist,"S-sorry." He stuttered and looked at the ground.

I crawled over the couch and sat behind him and wrapped my hand around him."I'll stay if you want me to." I said and closed my eyes while smiling.

My face pressed against his back listening to his breath.He didn't say anything just grabbed my hand and intertwined his and my fingers.

I smiled and let out a small sigh."You are a beautiful and kind girl you know that Y/N?"He says out of nowhere making my cheeks heat up.

"Really , why?" "Lots of people walked past me but no one helped your the only one."I let go of him and moved to his side so I see him. "Really?" he nodded his head.

"Everyone is so rude these days like seriously what the hell , you were freezing and no-" "Kiss me." "Wh-what?"I stuttered not believing what he said."Kiss me."He said as he stared into my eyes and I stared into his.

I gulped and slowly moved towards him until our lips met. I closed my eyes and he kissed back.

He moved his hand to my waist and then used the other one to push me down on the couch , He looked down at me and his face turned red.

I leaned down to me and connected our lips together again and put one of arms around his neck and played with his damp hair and the other one of his cheeks , rubbing circles with my thumb.

He put his hands on each side of me supporting him self. He got up and placed me on his lap , without our lips disconnecting.

I put both of my arms around his neck , he lifted up my shirt slightly and put his cold hands on my bare skin making me shiver.

He disconnected our lips and bite his lip."Please be mine Y/N." He mumbled and started to kiss my neck."I will be yours hoseok." I said and bit my lip as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"Be mine forever." "I'll be yours forever"I said as he continued kiss my neck.......

so this one is a little bit more longer and more sexual XD oops , I think im slowly going into the jhope lane sorry jungkook XD anyways hopefully you enjoyed <3

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