Free hugs - Chanyeol x Reader

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Smut meter:0

Third person p.o.v
Today in school theres a christmas charity event that you dont really give a shit about.

The oldest boys in school are giving 'free hugs' even though you have to give 10p(I'm using english money don't judge) for one of them to hug you and 20p for a group hug with them.

The boys doing it are Tao , Namjoon , Sehun , Jungkook , Taehyung and lastly Chanyeol.

You have a crush on Chanyeol for the longest time ever.

Y/N .p.o.v.

I saw Y/F/N run towards me and started to jump up and down in excitement. "Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!"She repeated over and over.

"What is it?!" "You know the way there's the charity event you dont give a shit about?"She said and took my hands in hers."Yeh..." "Wellllll........Chanyeol is giving hugs for 10p and you can get a group hug for 20p." My eyes went wide."Wha-" "Common!"she said and pulled me to the main hall.

I saw Chanyeol and the rest of the boys , he was wearing a adorable christmas jumper like the rest , he had a bow around his neck and had ripped jeans with white converse. While I had to look ugly in my uniform...

"Y/F/N!!" "You've liked him since 1st grade common." Before I knew it I was in front of the group of the boys. I was about to say something but before I got to say anything Y/F/N pushed me toward Chanyeol."No you're hugging him."She said with a evil grin.

I glared at her and then back at chanyeol who was inches away from me."So want a group hug or a separate hug?" "I-I dont know I dont really mind."I mentally facepalmed at my awkwardness.

There was an awkward silent until Y/F/N said,"Shes a little shy." She laughed and he laughed also "Common."He said with a smiled and spread his arms. I looked away in embarrassment and his arms wrapped around me and I did the same. Everyone including Y/F/N and all of her friends awed and we let go of each other.

I gave him the money and then went to my friend."Oh my god you looked so cute!" "Shut it."I snapped at her. "Want to get his phone number?" "Nononon-" She left and went up to Chanyeol my eyes were wide and she came back with a big smile and Chanyeol behind her.

I felt my cheeks go warm more and more."What is it?"He said and I shrugged."She wants your number."Y/F/N said as I gave her a glare."Give me your phone."He said and smiled.

I gave him my phone and he added his phone number."There you go Y/N/N."And with that he left. I checked the the contact and he added as name as 'the boy that give amazing hugs' I looked at Chanyeol who now was laughing with sehun and kris while the others were saying things to people walking past saying, "Hugs for 10p you wont regret it."

I turned around to my friend and we went to go meet her parents in the other hall were they were drinking tea....

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