Love & Lust - ChanBaek/BaekYeol

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Smut meter:1

Baekhyun's .p.o.v.

Love and lust , two completely different things yet.. They hold this so called 'Relationship' between me and Chanyeol together...

Me and Chanyeol have been together for three years now, we told our band members , parents , fans and moved out to our own house. When our relationship started it was full of love and goodnight kisses , cuddles and sneaking into each other rooms at night but ever since last year when we moved out it has been different.

Here's no more lovey dovey things, no more goodbye kisses, no hugs for good luck before we go on stage.

Now its just wakeup ,good morning, sex , go to work and dont even talk to each other that much but whenever I get too close to one of our members he gives them a glare or pulls me close to him.

I wish it went back...

"Did you have breakfast yet?" I heard Chanyeol say as he walked through the living room in only a towel.

"Yeh I had toast." I said focusing on only my phone. I heard the sound of his bare feet walk out of the room , into the kitchen.

"Hurry up we need to be in the practice room at 10 it's 9:35."I said and continue to scroll through instagram.

I groaned as I got up and went up to our room , going to our wardrop before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a comfortable shirt.

I went back stairs , swapping places with Chanyeol who went to change as I took a drink of orange juice.

"You ready to go?" I heard Chanyeol ask and I rushed to the door."Yep i'm ready." I smiled but he didn't return it and just put on his shoes.

I put on my shoes before putting my jacket on. We went outside and hopped onto his scooter.

We both put on our helmets and without another word we started and drove to the SM building where we are meeting the others to practice for our new comeback.

We got off the scooter and silently went into the building before going into the elevator.

Instantly as the doors closed , Chanyeol attacked my neck. "Chanyeol not now..." I mumbled looking away as he continued to suck on my neck."Come on lets have a quicky before practice."I shook my head and pushed him off.

The rest of the ride was silent as we went up to our practice room.

We went inside being greeted by the others,"About time."Said Sehun and I went up to him."Sorry Sehunnie." I mumbled and stayed by his side.

"Tsk." Chanyeol rolled his eyes and went to Kai and D.O , I sighed and we started to talk over the choreography....

We all sat on the ground in exhaustion and all took sips of our water , this new choreography was sure hard to learn.

I felt an arm around me and a head on my shoulder. I looked at the the person seeing an exhausted Yixing.

"Lay-hyung?" "Hm?" He replied and I took another sip of water."I'm tired."I said and he nodded his head."Same." he replied.

I looked towards Chanyeol who was talking to Sehun but kept a death glare at Yixing."You know what annoys me?"I asked and he shook his head."What?" "Me and Chanyeol aren't the same like we use to be , all he cares about is my body."I sighed and he sat up and rubbed my head."I think its time for you two to have break , that isn't a healthy relationship if you're giving him love but he isn't returning it."I nodded my head."I guess you right..."

I felt someone tap my shoulder , I spun my head around seeing the one and only Chanyeol with a pissed off face."Can you come with me for a minute?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I got up and he dragged me out of the room."Stop talking a
to Yixing and acting like that around him , you're mine." He growled and pulled me towards him.

He smashed his lips against mine but I pushed him away."Stop it Chanyeol." I groaned and he gave me a confused look.

"I have enough , this has been going on for ages! You never show any passion or love to me all you want to do is to have sex! I'm tired of it! I don't want to have sex every fucking morning I wake up , I want you to cuddle up to me and tell me how much you love me or when im cooking breakfast , you to wrap your arms around my waist watching me as I cook but no instead I get this! I'm over this , bye Chanyeol talk to me when you come to your senses!" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes , I went the practice room , smashing the door behind me.

All eyes were on me , I tried my best to not let the tears slip but it was too late. I fell to the ground, crying into my knees.

The boys all gathered around me and tried to comfort me."Baekhyunnie , it's gonna be okay."I heard one of them say."No it's not..."I mumbled and whipped of my tears.

"Common Baek , cheer up."Suho said and I sighed,"I give up on him.." "If he acts the way he does then he doesnt deserve you Baek." I heard Sehun say before he wrapped his arms around me."Guys can I stay at your house tonight?" They all nodded and I smiled...

We all got to the dorm after a while , after I yelled at Chanyeol he never came back as we continued to practice.

I walked in on the too familiar dorm and walked into the room I shared with Sehun.

I fell down on the bed and snuggled into the neatly tidied sheets.

Sehun walked in and nudged me gently."Hyung , come get something to eat." I groaned and sat up.

"We ordered some food , common." He took my hand , different to how chanyeol grabs it. Chanyeol grabs my wrist while Sehun gently takes my hand , just the way Chanyeol use to...

He led me to the kitchen when everyone else was sitting at the table.

As we all ate and talked when there was a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." Chen said as he sprang up and ran to the door. I continued to shove food into my mouth until I saw everyone stare at the door. "I tried to not let him in but he just pushed through."Chen said and I swallowed my food before turning around seeing Chanyeol.

My faint grin faded and I turned back around."Baekhyun..." I heard the the tall male behind me as I squeezed the chopsticks."I-i'm sorry.."He said his voice breaking.

He threw a letter on the table."Read it if you're not going to listen to me."He mumbled and walked out.

I opened up the letter and started to read through it...

Dear Baekhyunnie <3

Im really sorry how i've been acting lately , not showing my love towards you and all that its just... I've been stressed lately with something for ever now and i've been wanting to do something but I dont think its time yet , I just love you so much and I promise I will show it more just please forgive my I cant stand seeing my cute puppy sad...

You might not know but , whenever you're asleep I caress your adorable face and whisper how much I love you.Its just I dont know , I dont know why i'm not showing my love... I really love you Baekhyunnie and I always will even if I do not look at you the same was I did...

I folded the paper and placed it back on the table.

I got up and ran out the room finding chanyeol at the door.

I looked at him yet again with tears in my eyes and connected our lips together. it wasnt like the kisses he gave me which were filled with lust this one was filled with passion and love.

It lasted a while but when we disconnected our lips he backed away from me and crouched down on one knee."The thing i've been nervous about for the past 6 months or so is this.." He pulled out a small velvet box before opening it revealing a cute silver ring with tiny diamonds on it."I know I have been a horny bastard but will you , Byun Baekhyun ,marry me?" I smiled at him in aww and said."I will marry you , Park Chanyeol." He took the ring and put it on my ring finger before standing up and embracing me in a hug.

"I love you."He whispered into my ear , them three words was all I needed for the past 6 or so months.

"I love you too Chanyeol." I whispered back and placed a sweet kiss on his neck before letting go of him and seeing all of the boys were staring at us in aww from the living room....

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