Dreams Pt 2~ Taehyung(For my wonderful cousin)

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Merry Christmas! This is for my AMAZING cousin.
Veronika is my cousin,
Im el and yeh!!
THIS IS A PART TWO!! BTW you might only get some of these referenced if you know me personally. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I COULDN'T RESIST XD PPS I TRIED TO MAKE THIS SOUND LIKE VER SO BARE WITH ME HERE!

Smut meter: 0

Veronika's p.o.v

I opened my eyes seeing I was in my bed , in my house that I share with my dad.

Hearing Rexie barking outside and seeing my cousin snoozing next to me after yesterdays christmas eve.(We celebrate Christmas eve)

I sat up and heard a knock on my bedroom door then my dad and a tall hooded person coming in."This person came in saying he came to see you Ver."My dad said in Czech and then the hooded person looked up making me see his face clearly.

I fell of my bed in shock with a loud thud. El sat up and smudged her already half gone makeup. Me and her got lazy yesterday and didnt take of our makeup.

My room was a mess, gifts and bags were everywhere along with my regular mess which was clothes and some other things.

I looked at the person again and I started to shake. KIM TAEHYUNG IS IN MY FUCKING ROOM WHICH IS MESSY AND I LOOKED LIKE A RAT, no offence El.

I shook El as I mumbled."What the fuck is he doing here." "Hmm Who?" El turned to look at Taehyung and smiled."You're here!!" She got up and went over to Tae."Sorry I look like death I mean you've seen uglier versions of me but still." She yawned and embraced him in a hug."What the fuck is this...." I mumbled and El released him from the hug and turned to me. 

"I'll explain later now.." She turned back to Taehyung and started to talk again."Wheres the others?" "They are down stairs in the living room, Rap Mon said i should be the one to come here."He said with a cute Korean accent."Good lad." El tried to reach his head to pat it but failed due to her being small, ha ha ha midget...Shes taller then me but still. 

She eventually got to touch his soft hair and patted him like a dog, he crouched down and bent over. The sight made me laugh, I got up and sat on the bed."I'm gonna go to the others and you two get ready." He smiled and then winked at me. HE FUCKING WINKED- No Ver calm, calm, calm.

"So?" El turned around and  was about to slap her."What the fuck is this bullshit may I ask!?" "What you mean?" "What do I mean!? KIM TAE FUCKING HYUNG JUST FUCKING CAME INTO MY ROOM! I look like a fucking wet rat that was shaved and then thrown into a trashcan." "Well aren't you specific." She laughed and I rolled my eyes."And don't offend rats they are very good pets, that reminds me. I have to call mum to feed Yuki and Echo!" She ran out of the room with her phone.

I got up, still a little drowsy and walked to my bathroom. I Washed my face and technically ran to my room, fixing my makeup when I realised the others are waiting down stairs. I fixed my eyebrows and tried my best to make myself look alive.

I put on a dressing gown and made my way down my steep stairs. I went into the living room , four of them where on the couch while one sat in the arm chair and two on the floor next to the electric fire place which was on, they must be cold. 

I soon recognised everyone after I blinked a couple of times so my could focus. Jin, Namjoon, Jhope and Jimin sat on the couch, Yoongi and Jungkook sat on the floor getting mot of the head from the 'fireplace' and then V sat on the arm chair.

I cleared my throat and they all locked at me. I felt myself get nervous and i gulped."Any one want anything?" Namjoon looked around getting ready to translate."Von cup of water please." Jin said and I smiled at the way he said one. I must say his English has improved, I guess they got more learning from Namjoon or something. "Anyone want a coffee? Tea? Hot Chocolate?" they all put their hands up when I said hot chocolate and I laughed before leaving. I got 7 plain cups and a glass. 

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