Fridget - YoonKook

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READ THIS PLEASE(I KNOW LIKE ONLY TWO PEOPLE WILL.-. We are on 14k first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH and second of all I want to do something special on 20k ,if you want you can give me a suggestion or ill try to make something up :P anyways enjoy another YoonKook one shot(it's my otp lately don't judge), markson forever! Enjoy!!

Smut meter: 4

Jungkook .p.o.v.

"Are you a fridget?"One of the annoying males asked from my class and I look up at him from the floor."A what?" Even though I was 17; almost done with school , I never really payed attention to the slang words they used.

"Did you ever pull someone?" Yet again I didnt understand anything he said so I tilted my head to the side in confusion."Jesus fucking christ , did you ever make out with anyone, I wouldn't wonder if you didn't because you're such a fucking loser." I never made out with someone let alone kissed someone , for Gods sake I never even dated anyone.

I shook my head and looked down, he burst out laughing and walks to our next class...

It was the second period of our triple english , Mrs Lee was turned around to face the board as she wrote down something that I took down in my notebook.

I felt something hit the back of my head causing me to sigh and turn around to see the sniggering females.

I lifted the crumpled paper;  opened it up and started to read it carefully:

'Heard U R a Fridget, what a saddo. Meet me and the others in the park and we can have sum fun♡'

I turned back to the girls and shook my head, sliding the paper back to them."I'll rather kiss no one then get infected by your stupidity." I said with a smile , they scoffed and one of them commented,"No one likes you anyways you fat emo faggot." I nodded."Not bad,heard worst in my life time."I smiled at the sluts and I could see one or two of them melt as the others twitched.

"He's so weird." One in the middle whispered to the other and I laughed -Mrs Lee being completely oblivious about all of this the whole time-

I sighed and continues to copy down the notes that were on the board....

The bell rang after the last period of english, signalling it to be the end of the day. I made my way to the cloak rooms and grabbed my jacket, I slipped it on and made my way out of the building.

When I got to the entrance to the school grounds I saw a familiar blue haired shorty leaning against the small wall as he listened to music through his earbuds.

I walked up behind him the wall being the only thing in between us as I took out his earbud and heard the music he was listening to. I leaned to his ear and whispered a sweet," Good afternoon ,Hyung." He spun around with a smile and I hopped over the wall with ease and got next to the elder, he looked up at me and smiled.

"How was school?" He asked and we started to the the apartment building we both lived in."Fine, I guess..How was work?" "Agh the usual, nothing special just finished a song. Want to hear it?" I nodded eagerly and he stopped in front of me. He took out his earbuds and I slouched down a little so he placed them in my ears. I saw him scowl through his songs and also the songs he downloaded from different artists he liked.

"It doesnt have any vocals yet and I am expecting you could help me along with the others but anyways here."He pressed play and the cool beat filled my ears. Only the beat was catchy this was already a sick song , soon what sounded like a flute joined for a while before it was replaced with a heavy beat.

As I listened to his new beat, we stood in the middle of the path. People walked around us as the smaller male looked up at me with hope in his eyes.

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