I miss you - HunHan

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This one shot might be a little sad and probably shit so yeh , you have been warned if you were bothered to read this...

Smut meter:0 

Luhans .p.o.v.

I got to korea not long ago , it's my last day here and SM wanted something from again. I don't know what and I don't care about what it is , I just hating going to that building , all I can think of is the boys and especially Sehun , that youngester...I watched a interview not to long ago and I guess him and Chanyeol got close , he grown a lot but the thing I noticed was that he smiles less it almost seems hes sadder and just done with everything as if he just wants to turn back time....

I wonder if he still cares about me...Does he miss me like I miss him?

I sighed as I opened the doors to he a SM building the posters of the groups especially Exo and SNSD all over the walls.

I traced my fingers against the one where all twelve of us were....

"Luhan?" I looked at the direction of the voice and bowed as I saw the manager,"Come to my office we will talk there"....

Sehuns .p.o.v.

I went into the practice room , dancing by myself before being joined by Kai"Hey." He said with a smile, "I don't know if you want to see him but Luhan is down stairs hes about to leave."He said and I jumped up running down the stairs.

I saw the front door closing , a small stray if light in the gap. I burst through the door before yelling,"Luhan!" The male who was quite far away turned around as I leaned against the wall , beyond exhausted.

"S-sehun?" He said as he started to make his way over to me...

Luhans .p.o.v.

I walked up to Sehun his chestnut hair sticking to his forehead , he didnt look like his usual self , he had tears in his eyes , he was sweating while huffing and puffing.

He look up from the ground up to my eyes, "I miss you Lu , I really do I can't stop getting you out of my head." He said , one of the tears from his eye rolling down his cheek."Aww don't cry."I said, rolling down my sleeve then wiping his tear with my sleeve.

"Lets go inside we don't want any paparazzi or something." I said taking his hand , leading him inside the building and into the male bathroomS.

I led him to one of the stalls and looked up at him"I missed you Sehunnie..."I said as I played with the soft material of his shirt.

He leaned down to my hight and quickly pecked my lips , his small frown turning into a full smile.

I went on my tippie toes before wrapping my arms around his neck and lowering him to my hight,"You don't know how much I missed you , you cute smile that you dont show that much anymore or the way you would take my hand I miss it all and it's annoying the way you always ignored all my texts ,I thought you didn't care anymore."I said my eyes tearing up.

"I-I do care it's just... I couldn't bare talking to you over the internet , it hurt me knowing I wont see you anymore , I couldn't do it." He said looking away,"Aww Sehun.." I said before hugging him tightly. "I love you hyung."He whispered and run his hand through my hair.

I looked up at him and connected our lips in a passionate kiss. I disconnected or lips and took him by his wrist."Let's go to my hotel room."I said and he nodded going to the practice room , He opened the door for me and I followed him , he put on his coat , I heard the door open followed by two pairs of foot steps, I put on my mouth mask as he put on his and we turned around , Kai with Chanyeol stood who was in shock."Luhan?" Chanyeol questioned and I nodded giving him a small eye smile.

Sehun walked over to the two smiling and Chanyeol gave him thumbs up before mouthing 'good luck' He really hasn't changed , I chuckled and walked behind Sehun , we called a taxi and went to my hotel room.

We walked up the stairs of the building before unlocking the door to my room."How long you here for?" He asked and I sighed,"I've been here for three days it's my last day today.." "Hyung!" He slapped my arm."You should have came earlier!" "I didn't know you would want to see me after leaving." 

"Are you crazy I told you how much I missed you you even said yourself you noticed how I don't smile a lot , well its because I miss you , your sweet good night kisses , your smooth voice telling me its going to be okay and that 'Hyung will always be there for you' , the fans cheering for you while on stage and I would always smile like an idiot because of your cuteness...." He looked down on the floor and sat down on the bed.

"I missed you too Sehun ... Your yehets and ohorats they where just so hilarious and cute at the same time , your cute aegyo when you wanted something , your deep voice saying things that would just through one ear then out through the other because I wouldn't pay attention to your speech but only your beauty..." I said walking over to him . I knocked him over and crawled on top of him."Message me more and i'll come to korea more and spend time with you." I smiled and placed my lips on his again...

The news next day....


Exo's maknae , sehun and ex-Exo member Luhan Spotted leaving SM building and later on entering the Seoul Hotel

I smiled as I read the article and turned around to look at the shirtless male beside me , I smiled before pecking his lips....

I KNOW THIS WAS SHIT IM SORRY! but i love yous and remember *whispers* its markson or never.... BYE BYE!!!

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