Bisexuality - Yoongi/Suga x KookieMonster/NamKook

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*hums sexuality by Taemin in the background*

Why does a Smut always take me like 4 weeks to complete??

I need holy water...

This is wayy to kinky rip me

Smut meter: 10

3rd person p.o.v.

The Bangtan boys knew about Sugas sexuality. They were completely okay with it but of course him being the only member fully open about this issue he got teased by the others a lot.

Once in a truth or dare when the Wi-Fi got cut out, Yoongi was asked if he was a top or a bottom. He had to say the truth so he said he likes both but prefers being a bottom. Man was it a bad thing of him to tell them.

Ever since then the others come up to Yoongi and say the most dirtiest things or ask him strange questions about "getting it into the ass".

Some are worse then others for example Jimin usually asks how it feels while Taehyung doesn't mention it, Hobi usually jokes about with Jin saying jokes about gay people(that's what my mum does 24/7) but then there's Jungkook and RM...They seem to have a little too much fun with this.

If you're wondering how bad? Well they once double ganged on poor Yoongi, teasing him and saying dirty things. If you thought teasing as in words or like picking at him then your were wrong, I meant the type of teasing of Jungkook stroking the elders thigh and Namjoon licking his neck.

The two seemed to have too much fun and it made Yoongi frustrated because they would usually leave him hard and begging for some kind of attention to his man hood and today wasn't any different....

Yoongi made his way to his studio, planning to make some new song again. He opened the door and was greeted by Jungkook on his desk, trailing his fingers along the Piano keyboard that connected to the PC.

"Oh look who arrived?" He smirked and Yoongi closed the door before walking up to the youngster. "What do you want now?Hmm let me guess..Tease me about my sexuality again." "Now I wouldn't call it teasing." He smirked and the older rolled his eyes. "What is it gonna be today? Nipples, neck or something New." He sighed and Jungkook slipped off the desk.

"Take that shirt off, Baby boy." Oh did I add in that Jungkook also found out about Yoongi's huge name calling kink? "Stop with the names Kook." Suga took the shirt off and soon was pressed against the wall.

"Common Angel, I know you love the nicknames I give you." He licked his lips and attacked his neck."Jungko-" Yoongi stuttered at the shock of the youngers mouth on his neck again.

He heard the door open as the youngest kisses down to his collar bones."Am I interrupting?" Namjoons deep voice echoed through the room. "No hyung, I only started." Jungkook said against the pale skin of Yoongi."Let me join the fun." Namjoon came over to the two males but instead of doing anything to the smallest, he travelled his hands on the youngest back.

"H-Hyung!" Kook was startled, feeling Namjoons hands under his shirt."What Kookie?" He whispered and licked the youngers ear lobe."I've had enough of just watching you do stuff to Yoongi, Daddy wants baby Kookie to feel pleasure Too." Namjoons dirty talk made both of the males Melt.

"Yoongi?" Namjoon mumbled against Jungkooks neck."Yes Joon?" "Do you want me and Kook to fuck you?" The blue haired male froze. He has been secretly dreaming about this for ages, I mean Jungkook and Namjoon are perfection in living form and Namjoon is just such....Daddy material. Yes, Jungkook can be dominant as well but he really wanted to know what Namjoon has up his kinky sleeve....But in all honesty, Threesome is last thing that Yoongi thought of.

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