Kinks pt 2 - YoonKook

604 15 1

Smut meter: 0


3rd person .p.o.v.

It was a Friday afternoon and Yoongi decided he should post something on twitter after a long time. He snapped a quick selfie and went onto twitter. 

He typed in his caption which said; 

What a busy day...

He then clicked on the selfie, well he thought he did before pressing post.

He plugged his phone onto the charger and went into his studio. A few minutes later there was banging on the door, all of the members barged in and all showed Yoongi his post. He didn't misspell anything and everything seemed normal until he saw the photo.

Its wasn't the selfie.

It was the picture of Jungkook he took about two days back. He face palmed and groaned. Jungkook stood at the end of the line, looking down at the floor."I'm sorry Jungkook , i miss clicked and-" "Just delete it, that's all..." The youngest said acting unnaturally shy.

Even if Yoongi did delete it now the damage has been done, lots of fans would have saved it or reposted it on other social medias. Yoongi quickly grabbed his phones and deleted it before sending an apology tweet and tried to explain that he found it on a fan website. 

Yoongi never said his name so its a unknown to the fans. Yoongi laughed and went over to his lover as the others stared."Hey at least you looked really fucking good." The smaller male licked his lips and the corners of Jungkook's mouth curved into a small smile.

The rest of the boys slowly left as the couple talked."Hey they wont know who did it to you so.." Jungkook laughed slightly."The fans clearly liked it." Jungkook bite his lip and slapped his hyungs arm."You'll be okay." Yoongi laughed and Jungkook smiled.

Yoongi went on his phone and looked at his background photo. The older laughed as showed young the picture of himself."Its okay only half of your dick is in the pic." The younter slapped his hyung before moving Yoongi's hand out the way."I you want we can recreate the picture."The older licked his lips and nodded."I would like that but this time I want your cum all over me." "Will do!" The younger said and tugged the smaller male to Yoongi's room.....

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