Please stop - YoonMin

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Eating disorders are a very real, serious and terrifying so I would appreciate if no one would make nasty comments or anything of that nature about the disorder, thank you <3

(actually planning a story similar to this one shot for ages and I might start writing it soon)

Smut meter: 0

Yoongis .p.o.v.

It started it of again around a month ago. Jimin -being the person he is- started yet another 'diet' he rarely ate and practised almost all day. One night when we got home after an interview he collapsed. Jungkook being the strongest, carried him into his room where he slept until the next day. Well at least we thought he did.

When I walked past his room that night I heard faint sobbing and mumbles of him saying nasty things about himself. I didnt know what to do so I left and went to my own room regretting not doing something. Guilt engulfed me like the darkness after a sunset, I was suffocating. Its been a couple of nights from then and i still go to bed with the guilt on my shoulders...

"Hyung!" Jimin called out to me and I hurried down stairs into the living room."Will you do a V-live with me?" I happily nodded at the mochi and sat down next to him. He pressed the live button on his phone and placed the phone on the couches arm rest.

After a few minutes, lots of people were watching us and the comments were blowing up with 'omg yoonmin' 'so cuteeee' and questions like'have you ate yet?' 'did you sleep well?' exetra exetra. We started to talk about our upcoming come back. "The past few weeks have been a little tiring. My diet isn't working still look like a pig." He laughed and I laughed with him, not knowing how to respond. So that's how he thinks of himself..A pig.

The comment section flooded up again with worried comments saying how he looks good the way he is and how he shouldn't starve himself. I couldn't agree more with those thousands of comments. Me and Jimin read them together and he smiled," Don't worry guys, I'm fine i'm eating well. Aren't I , Yoongi Hyung?" He turned to me with a look in his eyes as he was saying'Say yes'.

I nodded a little unsure and smiled."Yes we are all eating fine so don't worry." After a little longer we said bye to the ARMY's. He turned off his phone and we were left in silence. I gor uo and walked into the kitchen grabbing a muffin. I havent ate yet due to making music all day so K was pretty hungry.

I sat back down next to Jimin who eyed my muffin blueberry as I took a bite of it. I looked at Jimin and offered him a piece but he shook his head and I frowned.

"You need to eat Jimin.. " He only shook his eat again and looked down at the ground. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen again.

I grabbed a small bowl and poured some strawberries and blueberries. I went back into the living room after throwing out my muffin wrapper and went back to Jimin.

I sat facing towards him, my legs resting on his."Open." I commanded and he hesitated at first but opened and I placed a small blueberry In his mouth."Please eat Jimminie." I said looking at the fruits and got another blueberry.

"Hyung I'm fat, I'm a pig." I dropped the berries onto the table and cupped his cheeks before connecting his soft lips with mine.

The light taste of the blueberry he had lingered in my mouth after I diconnected out lips. He stared at me with a shocked expression.

His shiny lips were slightly opened so I saw the opertunity to place a small strawberry between his teeth. "Bite." I mumbled and his teeth cut through the strawberry. I took the stem and out it back into the bowl.

"What are you doing Yoongi?" He asked with a strawberry in his mouth. "I'm feeding you, that's what I'm doing." "Huh?" "It might not be much but it's better than nothing." I looked down and took a blueberry for myself."I can't let you die on me Jimin." I said his eyes piercing mine.

"Who said I'm gonna die?" "Jimin its a common sense, if you don't eat you die." I said and he sighed."I don't need food, I'm fat anyways." I connected his and my lips for the second time with a quick peck.

"Every time you call yourself fat i will kiss you."I said boldly and he smiled,"Then ill keep calling myself fat." I rolled my eyes and shook my head."I will continue to kiss you so you know that you are beautiful." I said and his cheeks turned a light pink.

"I'm not not beautiful-" I cut him off and connected out lips again. I placed a blueberry into my mouth as I sat back. "You are the most beautiful boy I ever seen, you deserve so much Love."I said and took his baby and and gave the top of his hand a light peck.

"You Park Jimin, need to stop and you need Love." I said and he blushed. "Be my love then." Jimin and I mentally cringed but smiled like an idiot."Then I shall be your love then." I said and he hugged me into a warm embrace."You're beautiful."....

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