The rabbit and the cat - Hybrid YoonKook

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YES ANOTHER YOONKOOK ONEAHOT DONR JUDGE! I got this requested but I cant find their comment anywhere anymore.
Yoongi is a cat hybrid and Jungkook is a rabbit hybrid.

Lets have something cute after the previous one shot 0-0


Smut meter : 1

3rd person .p.o.v.

The elder cat laid on his favourite spot, purring in delight.

The young rabbit sat on the floor, eating a mixture of healthy greens as he watched tv. Their owners were off to work and the two hybrids were left alone at home.

The cat looked down at the bunny, rolling his eyes at the boy who's ears were twitching in delight. He crawled to the other side of the couch ad watched the boy wobbling his head causing his ears to flop about.

The elder watched them before trying to catch them, he catches them in his hands and wiggles his tail. Yoongi jumped down and caught his ear again before nibbling on the youngsters ear. The younger whined and moved away, spilling his salad.

He pouted and glared at the cat. His ears fell down from a perked up state to flopped state. The elder went onto the couch again and laid down in the corner and took the tablet before going onto a sight to read.

Jungkook hopped onto the couch and played with the cats tail. Yoongi groaned and Jungkook crawled up before attacking his neck with kisses."Jungkook stop." Yoongi groaned but let Jungkook continue."Kitty please play with me." "I told you not call me that Kookie." "And I asked you to play with me." He nipped on his skin before the boy under him started to purr loudly."See you clearly like it Kitty." Yoongi smiled and slowly tried to get up.

Jungkook sat up and Yoongi did too."So what do you wanna play Kookie?" Jungkook leaned over to Yoongi and connected their lips.

Their owners didn't know about their relationship, the two hybrid didn't even think the owners would want to know.

The cats tail moved side to side due to excitement,making a knocking sound against the couch. The bunny ears perked up again in excitement and continued to kiss the smaller male.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist and pulled him even closer. The older rested his hands on the bunny's shoulders.

The older kissed back as his tail continued to wiggle. The rabbit disconnected his lips with the cat and gave the males nose a peck.

Jungkooks eyes turned into crested moons as he smiled. Yoongi gave him a gummy smile and got up. "Hey ill make you a new salad, okay?" The bunny nodded eagerly and sat on the couch as the cat made its way to the kitchen.

Mixing different types of vegetables he chopped up and then placing the knife and board into their dish washer. He walked back in and the bunny cleaned up the mess from his last salad.

Yoongi told the bunny sit on the couch and gave him the salad and gave him a peck on the forehead before sitting back to his spot and reading his book again.

Namjoon and jin soon got home and Yoongi didnt hesitate going to Jin and letting him play with his ears like usual, purring in delight the rest of the evening....

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