"Delete my number and never call me!" - Jackson x Reader

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Smut meter: 0 

3rd person .p.o.v.

You and Jackson have been together for three years, never got into fights.

But today for the first time they have , Jackson cheated on Y/N with Y/E/N.

You hated her and Jackson knew that but cheated on you with them anyway.

Y/N .p.o.v.

I yelled in the bathroom, punching the walls and tears flowing down my cheeks.

Jackson banged on the door yelling at me to open the door."Y/N Y/L/N! Open the fucking door!"Jackson yelled at the other side of the door.

I didn't reply just punched the mirror making it smash , cutting my knuckles.

I looked at my hand and cursed under my breath opening the medical cabinet and washing off the blood.

I started to wrap the bandage around my knuckles , when Jackson unlocked the door and ran in.

He wrapped his hands around me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Y/N please it's not what you think." I get out of his grip and wrapped the bandage around my hand.

I dashed out of the bathroom trying to get away from jackson but he kept catching up with me.

I got up to my and Jacksons room and looked behind me and he was gone.

I went into the room and flopped down on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Jackson locking the door with a key.

He walked towards me and I crawled back until my back hit the wall. He smashed his hands on each side of my head and looked into my eyes.

"Why?" I asked still crying,"It's not what you think."He whispers and presses his soft lips on mine.

I pushed him off,"What do you mean it's not what I think?Y/F/N took a picture of you kissing that..girl?!?" I Yelled at him getting up.

He grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall , smashing his soft lips against mine.

I tried to fight back the kiss or at least push him away but my weak body could not.

He kept kissing my lips and slide his hands down to my waist.

I finally pushed him away , took my phone , purse and ran to the front door.

I slipped on my shoes as jackson ran towards me. "DELETE MY NUMBER AND NEVER CALL ME AGAIN!" I shouted at him and left the house , running to Y/F/N house.....

I know this was a little short but still

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