Makeup Artist - Wonho/Hoseok x Male Reader

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I got this idea while watching Edward Avila (which you should check out, hes an amazing youtube) also thank you @bangdamnexo for suggesting an idol, I didnt know who to do this with XD (I really wanted to make a male reader one but if you want you can pretend its a girl, it aint hard) ALSO THIS IS REALLY SHORT

Smut meter: 0

(You as the Monsta X Make up artist and a YouTuber. You needed a video for your new video and your boyfriend let you do his Makeup. You haven't came out to the fans but Wonho said before that he's seeing a person and the fans support him)

Y/N .p.o.v.

"Wonho?" I called out to my boyfriend and went to the living room."Yes, baby?" He said, looking up from his phone. "Come record a video with me." I said and he got up.

We made our way to my makeup room and I sat him down. I turned on all my equipment before getting sine of my makeup.

I turned on my camera and did my intro before greeting Wonho. I told the camera what I was planning to do and in almost no time got started with putting some skin care products on his cute face.

He made funny sounds as I spread moisturiser all over his face. I smiled before leaning down and connecting our lips into a short kiss. "Keep that In."He mumbled when we disconnected out lips.

I smiled and a tiny of blush crept up my face. I got some foundation and used my finger tip to put some on his cheek, luckily he was the same shade.

I got a beauty blender and out the foundation it before  using the blender to dot it in his face while holding back his hair. I talked to the camera,explaining what brand I am using and what not.

I spread the foundation around his face. I got some eye shadow and lightly shared in the inside of his eyebrow before grooming them with brown eyebrow gel.

I got powder and spread it around his face and mainly under his eyes.

I then moved to the eyes putting an orangey, bronze colour all over the lid and blending it out, adding a more brownish shad in the middle of the lid. I lined his eyes with brown liner and added a little wing.

I smiled and fixed up bits and pieces, I noticed he never stopped staring into my eyes, I would occasionally make eye contact when I would look into his eyes. I took some lipstick and pat it on his lips, the lipstick was very pigmented and I only wanted a little on his lips.

I disconnected his lips and my finger and replaced it with my lips, giving him a gentle peck.

"I'll keep that one in also." I said and he smiled. I fixed up his hair after cleaning my finger. We filmed the outro and before you knew it I was back to editing the new video as he held my waist with his head in my thigh.

It was midnight and I was finally done. I saw Wonho half asleep and moved my laptop out of my lap, onto the table next to my bed and shook him gently."Go get changed baby."I said and he nodded...

The following day I posted the video and got nothing but live and support for me and Wonho..

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