Sexual tension-JiKook(little bit long)

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Ps. Im not a big fan of jikook but still , in my head I think if they were ment to be a thing i feel like their relationship would be more sexual than anything else i don't know why.(I wrote this wayy back i think slightly different now) Also jimin is a detective and jungkook is a police man. Dedicated to my friend who loves jikook with a passion*rolls eyes*


Smut meter: 10

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

"It's another one of them murder victims..."I sighed placing the pile of photographs in front of the red haired male.

"Another one? Thats third this week." He looked up at me and I nodded,"It's crazy to think this man or woman or whatever is murdering teenagers for no reason." I nodded.

Me and Detective Park are working on this mass murder that has been happening the past three weeks or maybe longer ,this person is murdering innocent teenagers. I mean we had one of these mass murders before accept this case is dragging on too long because of jimin , all he ever does is flirt when im just trying to do my job and he should too.

I leaned against the desk as I took a pile of papers and flipped through them. I felt his eyes travelling my body as I read the notes we had so far.

He was about to speak but then I turned to him with a death glare and he shutted up. I continued reading as he kept on staring. "Don't you have something better to do then stare?"I asked and he shook his head no,"You have all of my papers."He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I will find the murderer and ask him to murder you before putting him behind bars. "I rolled my eyes again at the older male. I hummed as I checked everything before going to the white board with the notes. I grabbed a magnet and stuck the papers to the board before grabbing a red marker and connecting the ones which had the same location.

The older crept behind me and went on his tip toes to reach my hight and prop his head on my shoulder. He nuzzled into my neck before I pushed him off and wrote down the dates of death to the people in different colours depending on location and drew a circle around the spots on the map.

I felt the smaller's hands around me and I groaned."What do you want?" "You." "Well hard luck." I pushed him off again and he went back to his seat, finally....

A few hours have passed and I'm now sitting on Jimin's desk looking through his notes for about a thousandth time and saw no pattern accept for the the similar locations and teenagers.

I threw the page away before letting out a groan of agony and placing my hands on my forehead. I slipped my hands more up and tugged at the roots of my raven hair.

The older saw my distress and came over to me. He crouched down and look up at me ad I looked down at the ground."Jungko-" "Mr Jeon." I cut him off so he was more formal."Mr Jeon..Don't stress over it too much." He stood up straight again and lifted my head up with his soft palm.

I let go of my hair and let my hands fall on my lap. His other hand also found a way to my lap and squeezed my inner thigh making me bite the inside of my lip.

Jimin smirked and went closer to me."Mr Jeon..Why don't we have have some fun?" His hand dangerously slid closer to my crotch area.

"I-I don't think it's a good idea Mr Park." I stuttered and he got even closer to me."Call me Jimin , Jungkookie." "Don't call me that." I said and turned a light shade of pink.

"Jungkookie? Why not?" He trailed his finger from along my jaw line to my chin.

I pushed him lightly and jumped off the counter."Lets continue our work." I cleared my throat and he frowned as I went to the white board to look at the victims.

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