Birthday - Jungkook

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Its my birthday on the 3rd and its Jungkooks birthday today SO! Idk i just wanted to write something for my self and get inspo for my up coming bts fic which will be like living with exo (Which i deleted), It also fits with my oneshots i did for my cousin V and it will have her in it also cause yeh anyways enjoy lmao. (Also im older in this cause im only gonna be turning 15 T-T and Jungkook is 21 XD)

Jungkook's .p.o.v.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jungkookie! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang in the house, El held the cake as Ver held the lighter that she lit the candles with. The whole 'gang' was here! Taehyung was holding Tannie but jin didnt bring his sugar gliders cause he said they would be too much of a hassle. 

I blew out the candles that light up the dark room due to the closed curtains. After I blew them out i stopped everyone and told Ver to light up the candles one more time. Everyone looked at me confused and i took the cake from El's hands and turned it over so the text that said 'happy birthday' faced her,"Blow it, We probably wont have time to celebrate your birthday so lets celebrate it with mine," I smiled and her causing her to smile back, her blue eyes glistened with the candle light.

She blew out the candles and then i leaned over and gave her forehead a kiss, I saw a flash and turned to look at jimin."sorry.. Didnt know that the flash was on.." She laughed and shook her head and hobi opened the curtains. "Okay now lets eat the cake!" Ver shouted and went to the kitchen to grab our drinks. 

I placed the cute cake on the table and removed the candles,"Your mum did an amazing job at decorating El!" I heard Jin praise El's mum as he sat down on the ground,"Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg! Wait till you taste it!" She says and sits down next to me and i ct the beautifully decorated cake.

The cake was decorated as our last 'Love yourself' album, the orange, pink, light purple and light blue was blended beautifully with coloured buttercream there was the tangled hearts and LY with answer in Korean all written down with 'Answer' written in Hangul, then there was a big happy birthday on the bottom of the rectangular cake in joined blue icing, the candles where put above the LY 'answer' and also white acing was around the edge in a 'star border pattern'. It was truly beautiful and it was sad we had to eat such beauty.

 El passed me a plate as i cut a piece and she passed it to someone, this was repeated until everyone has a piece and Ver brought our drinks, I took of a piece of the cake before scooping it up with my spoon and placing it in my mouth."Oh my god that's amazing!" I said and look up at El who hasn't touched her cake yet and just waited for everyone's reaction.

Everyone had the same reaction, they all loved the strawberry and buttercream filled cake with a vanilla sponge inside."I'm glad you like my mums cake," She smiled and looked at her cake before taking a piece of it for herself.

When we all ate our cake and drank half of our drinks we started to talk again. El held her black veil brides cup in her small hands as she has her back pressed against the corner of the couch, her legs on the couch. She sipped at the tea and i couldn't look away.....

El's .p.o.v.

I looked up from my cup and at Jungkook, His feet were folded and his head was turned to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back before scooting over, leaving the others conversation."Im glad we could celebrate both of our birthdays," He said and i nodded before taking a sip of my tea."Yeh me too, it feels weird though... I'm gonna be 18 in two days, thats insane!" He laughed and ruffled my hair."You're still young. I'm the old one here, already 21," "Ugh at least your successful," I furrowed my eyebrows and he shook his head,"You;re also successful! Army's love you and your writing," I smiled at his comment and drank the last drops of tea.

"I'll be right back, want me to take that for you?" He asked and pointed to my cup, I nodded and he took it before going to the kitchen. I looked over and saw the infamous VV couple laughing together as Hoseok told them a story white the other four talked to each other about god knows what. 

Jungkook returned with two beers and gave me one,"It's an early legal drink," He grinned and I took the beer before clanking our bottles and taking a sip, I then placed it on the coffee table and sat down at my spot. 

We talked about the randomest shit and quote some vines here and there, forgetting about the fact me and Ver are leaving on my birthday to go back home before they start their world tour.....

 방탄소년단  @ BTS_twt  2d 

SUCH CUTIES!!!~ happy Birthday to the best girl(in two days) and our favourite golden maknae!!! @ xjustelx
(They didn't let me post their birthday kiss so heres this instead heheh)

SUCH CUTIES!!!~ happy Birthday to the best girl(in two days) and our favourite golden maknae!!! @ xjustelx(They didn't let me post their birthday kiss so heres this instead heheh)#JIMIN#Jungel#Happy_JK_Day

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