Irresistible - WonHyuk/Hoky

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Dedicated to my friend SJ , i dont know her wattpad XD

Smut meter: 6


Minhyuk: I miss chu~❤

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Minhyuk: I miss chu~❤

Wonho: you saw me like two hours ago and im only at the other side of the building...

Minhyuk:butttt stilllll 😜 send me a selca pleeeeeaaassseeee

Wonho: *rolls eyes*


Wonho: happy???

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Wonho: happy???


Minhyuk: yes very!!! 😘

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Minhyuk: yes very!!! 😘


Wonho: heres another ❤

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Wonho: heres another ❤

Minhyuk: its the same picture!

Wonho: nooo it's a different angle silly and i see now you're complaining

Minhyuk: im not complaining

Wonho: yeh yeh whatever😂

~Half an Hour later~

Wonho: minhyuk you sleeping?

Wonho: minhyukkkkkkkkk

Wonho: minhyukie~


Wonho: stop pretending to not read this of your notifications?

Wonho: you will regret not answering the next time i see you😈😏


Wonho: still nothing?

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Wonho: still nothing?


Minhyuk: huh? I was taking a shower

Minhyuk: 😍 can you not wonho

Wonho: you where in the shower...for thirty minutes?

Minhyuk: yeh..

Wonho: im done and bored

Minhyuk:what you wanna do then?

Wonho: idk..come to my room and we can do something😘

Minhyuk: okay ill just put on some sweatpants and a hoodie

Wonho: okayy see ya😀

Wonhos .p.o.v.

I got up and tidied my room up , there's was clothes and shoes everywhere.

I stuffed most of the things into the suitcase before going back on my bed , I heard a knock on the door and I shouted,"Come in." Minhyuk came in before closing the door behind him.

He ran over to the bed his bare feet slapping against the wooden floor , he jumped on the bed and wrapped his arms around me."Did you really walk from your room to mine in bare feet?" He nodded and I rolled my eyes."You're an idiot." "I didn't walk I ran.....and I accidently tripped once." He mumbled.

"Who did you manage to wake up?" "Shownu-hyung.."He said and I rolled my eyes."And they say respect your hyungs." I laughed and he slapped my shoulder."Oi remember im older." I said , turning around and stuck out my tongue."By only 8 months" He stuck out his tongue also and I rolled my eyes , I got up before going to the bathroom"pee break" i said as i made my way to the bathroom.

I did my business before washing my hands and stepping out of the bathroom. I fixed my shirt and looked back at Minhyuk.

His eyes traveled up my body to meet my eyes. His cheeks turned a crimson red as he noticed I saw him checking me out.

I walked over to him and pushed him down on the bed. I started to attack his neck as he gripped on my shirt."Wonho~" He purred and tilted his head back , I trailed kisses lower before having to move the material of his shirt a little to expose more skin.

I kissed and sucked on every bit of skin that was newly exposed before disconnecting my lips from his neck.

I stared at his beautiful features , he stared into my eyes before wrapping his fingers around the nape of my neck and lowering me down , he connecting our lips and I melted into the kiss.

He trailed his free hand along my side lifting up my shirt a little.

I disconnected our lips and stared into his eyes again , I laughed and pressed my forehead against his."You're so irresistible."I mumbled and opened my eyes to meet his again."You're more irresistible." He replied and wrapped his arms around my torso.

I let myself fall on him before turning to my side and wrapping my arms around him.

I nuzzled into the crook of his neck , placing small kisses on the area."I love you." I mumbled into his neck and I felt his grip tighten."I love you too wonho."He said , I could hear the smile on his face by his voice. I smiled also and closed my eyes slowly falling asleep...

I know this was shitty but i guess it's something anyways i love you and remember*whispers* its markson or never....BYEBYE!!!

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