I'm yours -ChanBaek/BaekYeol

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Smut meter:8

Baekhyun's .p.o.v.

Chanyeol and I have been living together for 4 years , we didnt know each other that much before we joined exo.

Everyone got separated into houses and would swap houses and roommates every two months but even though I wanted to change , Chanyeol never did..

Chanyeol would always ask the manager for us to stay with each other. I would ask him why and he would just reply with 'I don't feel like changing'...

I layed on the couch , earphones plugged into my ears listening to our song , promise.

I hummed along then Chanyeol's rapping part played , I listened to Chanyeol's deep voice as he rapped into my ears.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and look up to see Chanyeol smiling at me.

I sat up looking at him and took out my earphones."Hi."He said awkwardly and sat down.

"Hey whats wrong?" I said moving closer to him."It's just this one thing has been bugging me the past three years.." "Chanyeol you should have told me earlier." I said and slapped his arm.

He looked at the ground and I grabbed his face in my hands and made him face me. We stared into each others eyes , after a while I let go of his face looking away and cleared my throat.

"So whats bothering you?" I ask looking at him."You." He pushed my down on the couch and connected our lips together.

Our lips were like if they were made for each other , this kiss was perfect.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly granted him. he slipped his tongue in , wrestling with my tongue.

He discontented our lips leaving a strand of saliva between them."You have been bothering me , always when I saw you or heard you sing my heart would flutter and I would have butterflies in my stomach..." He said and gulped.

"Always when you danced in the practice room or when you would come out of your room just on your underwear you would turn me on so much that it was unbearable.. It hurt my heart seeing you with Taeyeon I couldn't bare seeing you with her and being all romantic and all, that was meant to be not her but me , I was meant to kiss you in the rain , I was meant to be the one who was with you in the car listing to our favourite songs while kissing you under the moonlight sky , I was-" I placed my hands on his cheeks and jointed our lips together making him shut up.

I disconnected our lips but still stayed close enough that our lips still touched."I know Chanyeol , I know , I noticed how you would glare at me and her I know everything.." I mumbled and connected our lips again.

This time Chanyeol put more passion and dominance into the kiss. I put my hand on his chest playing with the buttons on his button up shirt.

I gently unbuttoned one button , then another and another , until his whole shirt was unbuttoned.

He sat me up and took of my shirt and threw it god knows where, he kissed along my jawline and then travelled to my neck making a few small , quiet moans leave my mouth.

After exploring my neck he found my sweet spot earning a loud moan to leave my mouth , He smirked against my neck.

He he sucked and nibbled on the spot earning more and more louder moans from me.

He disconnected his lips From my neck looking down at my neck proudly."Now everyone will know you're mine." He breathed out and sent little kisses down my neck and to my collar bone yet again sucking and nibbling at them , I bite my lip trying to quiet down my moans.

He left more hickeys around my collarbone and then travelled down to my waistband of my boxers.

He was about to take off my boxers until....

The bell rang...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Chanyeol walked to the door , groaning and frowning.

He opened the door and in came Chen and Xiumin."We went to get tacos and thought you guys would want some , after all we were meant to have a movie night." Chen said holding out a bag from Taco Bell and two movies in hand.

I Groaned , put on my shirt and went up to them."You motherfucking cock blockers...."I mumbled and they all laughed and Chanyeol patted my back.

He bent down to my ear and whispered."Next time..."His deep voice rasped and he licked my ear and then acted like nothing happened letting Chen and Xiumin in....

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