Mary Drake?

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Alison's PoV
"Do you think Charlotte knew she had a brother or sister" I ask Spencer and we are walking up to are houses
"I don't know maybe"she replies quietly
"Who do you think it is?" I say trying to make eye contact with Spencer but she looks down
"Sara Harvey"Spencer answers I nod slowly before she carries on explaining her thoughts "it makes sense it would explain why she agreed to help Charlotte torture people she didn't know"she looks up at me and I stare into her brown eyes
"It could be her"I say but I don't think it's her and Spencer knows I don't because of the voice I talked in
"Who do you think it is then?"Spencer said obviously curious of who I was thinking about
"I'm scared spence...I think it's me"Spencer eyes widen and I carry on speaking "I have this theory and I'm scared...I don't think A.D is Mary's daughter I think A.D killed Charlotte and wants to find out who the other sibling is to kill them what if that's me Spencer what if that's me"I say while tears start building  up in my eyes.
Spencer quickly puts her arms around me and pulls me into a hug .
"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"Spencer asks me pulling away and tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear
"Yes please"I say slightly smiling

"Mary? Are you in?" I shout while walking into the living room with Spencer
"Yes I'm here Al...hello Spencer"Mary said holding her hand out to shake Spencer's hand
"Hi Mary" Spencer says while shaking her hand
"We're going to go up to my room"I say turning around but Mary stops me by talking again
"Are you sure you don't want to stay down here? i would love to learn more about Spencer" Mary said looking at Spencer while she talked
"No we just want to rest thanks Mary" I say before grabbing Spencer's arm and pulling her upstairs
"Maybe we should confront her I need to know if she is my mother I deserve to know "I say after I close the door
"That's not a good idea Ali we don't want to get on her bad side"Spencer said sitting on my bed
"Yeah I guess so"I say lying on the bed
Spencer lies on the bed as well before talking again "I'm going to sound a bit crazy right know but have you ever thought it's possible that Mary isn't I'm mean she's your mum as in Jessica your mum"
I look at Spencer confused
"No. I mean yeah I have thought Mary might have lied before but she isn't my mum...that's why I decided that I'm not Mary's daughter she would have told me" 
Spencer raises one of her eyebrows "I don't think you can just decide that"she says with and we both laugh a little

Spencer's PoV
"You slept at Alison?"Emily says she sounds disappointed that Ali didn't ask her but no one else seems to notice so I don't bring it up "yeah but I want to talk to you guys about something" I say as we walk into the brew "what's up?" Hanna asks as her,Aria and Emily stare at me worriedly
"What if Mary isn't Mary" I lean closer in and start to whisper so no one can over hear me "what if she's Jessica" as I lean back into my seat I see all of there eyes widen
There was a long silence until someone eventually speaks
"Why would she do that though" Aria said  breaking the silence. I don't have to think about an answer before answering because while Alison slept last night I stayed awake all night thinking about my theory
"She 'died' just before her daughter came back from the 'dead' the daughter she buried alive she was scared Alison would tell the police murdered her twin sister and took her identity" I explain while using air quotes while saying "dead"and"died"
The three girls look at me Hanna completely shocked while Aria and Emily seem to be taking the information in
"That's a good theory Spence but how do we see if it's true or not" Emily says before taking a sip of her coffee
"DNA"Hanna basically shouts in my face and I look at her with a frown on my face
"Identical twins have the same DNA Han"I say as Aria tries not to laugh and then Hanna playfully pushes her
"Then what's your idea" Hanna asks directing the question at me
I smile before answering because I'm happy that my friends know me so well that they already know I have an idea
"Fingerprints" I say as they all give me a confused look and Emily tilts her head to the left
"Fingerprints?" Aria says very confused
"I have to say Spence that is not your best plan everyone has fingerprints" Hanna says and I roll my eyes at her comment and start laughing but stop when I realise she was being serious and not joking
"Hanna everyone has different fingerprints" Aria says as Emily turns her head from Hanna back to me
"We don't have Mary's or Jessica's fingerprints though to compare hers to"
"But the police do. If what 'Mary' said about how she got into Radley she was arrested first and then took to Radley " I say and the other girls give me a smile before Hanna hugs me tightly "I'm so glad we have a smart friend" she says before pulling away
"All you have to do is get a fingerprint of Mary and get Toby to test it compared to Mary's fingerprint that's we now is actually Mary's" Emily says smiling
That's when it suddenly hits me...Toby's gone my smile slowly turns into a frown
"Spence??" Emily's smile also turns into a frown as she is now worried
I'm actually kinda angry at Toby now he left without saying goodbye to Emily I'm scared to tell her because I know she will be upset but I know I have to
"Em Toby's not in rosewood anymore"I say as I see tears form up in her eyes
"He left? He...he didn't say.." At this very moment Toby comes running into the brew when he looks over at me he walks over to the table
"Spencer..." He says and I'm not sure if he is angry,upset or happy
"Toby I thought you was lea" I quickly get interrupted when Toby's crashes his lips against mine.we start kissing are lips in sync as he puts cups his hands around my face I put my hand stroking his hair. Toby then pulls away as he holds my face with his left hand "I never stopped loving you" he says stroking my hand with his thumb "pretending not to love you was the hardest thing I've ever done" I say quoting him as I remember a memory from when we found out Mona was A. Emily quickly ruins the perfect moment by softly pushing me out the way and gives Toby evils "YOU WAS GOING TO LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!" She says much louder then I thought she was going to talk "I never left I told Yvonne I still had feeling for Spencer and she left leaving this behind" he says showing Emily an engagement ring " you would have said good bye if you was leaving?" Emily says and I can tell she feels a bit guilty about ruining are moment
"Of course I would have said goodbye after I left Spencer's I...I realised it was her I couldn't live without"he says looking at me as I try hide my big goofy grin

I knock on the door of the DiLaurentis house and seconds later Alison opened the door
"SPENCER" she says shocked at my appearance
"Hey Ali...are you ok" I ask standing in the cold
"Yeah I just thought you was Mary" she says before inviting me in
"Oh she isn't in?" I say slightly disappointed as I was meant to be getting her fingerprint quickly so Toby can run a quick test
"You sound disappointed" Alison asked confused before the door knocks again I soon get happy again knowing this time it will be Mary
Alison walks to the door and opens it "Mar...oh it's just you come in" I'm confused as I was the only one to be coming here but as I see who walks in I'm over the moon with there appearance "JASON" I say before running over to him and giving him a big hug "Spencer I just went over to your house but no one was home"he says hugging me back "when did you get back??" I ask as we walk back into the living room "yesterday didn't Alison or Aria tell you?" He responds
"No Ali...wait how come you saw Aria before me?" I ask confused as Alison suddenly comes interested with the convocation "yeah why did you invite her to dinner?" Alison says also confused. I get a bit hurt that he invited Aria and not me but I play it of "we are close friends that's all" he says just before another knock on the door. Ok so now it has to be Mary i think as Alison walks over to the door and opens it "Mary finally your here" she says before hugging her. I then realise why Alison keeps wanting it to be Mary at the door she is trying to get close to her to see if she can get the secret mystery child's name as Mary walks into the living room she sees me on the sofa and smile "what a pleasant surprise Spencer" she says before hugging me I smile and Jason gives me a weird look "does any one want a drink?" Mary asks while pulling away from are hug "can I just have a glass of water" I ask while still smiling "of course you can dear" she says before walking to the kitchen. Jason leans to me and whispers in my ear "you don't trust her do you?" He asks and I suddenly get the impression he doesn't trust Mary either "no" I whisper before Mary puts my glass of water on the coffee table in front of me "there you go Spencer" she says smiling then looks at Alison "you wanted to speak to me dear?" She says and Alison nods gesturing her to follow her up the stairs. "I'm gonna get something to eat want anything?" Jason says beginning to walk to the front door but waits for my answer "no thanks I'll see you soon Jason" is say as I hug him goodbye "keep safe Spence" he says before walking out the door. I quickly run to the glass Mary gave me and be careful not to touch the glass as I put cella tape where I can still see where Mary's fingers once where as I peel the tape of and put it in a little plastic bag Mary walks in "are you okay Spencer" she says walking towards me. Scared she saw what I did I quietly panic in my head "I'm fine" I say before taking a sip of water "I should really get going thought it's getting dark" I say standing up getting ready to go with the plastic bag in my pocket "okay lovely I will see you later" she says before I walk out and quickly sigh of relief as she shuts the door

"Ok so I will call you after Toby calls me and tells me the results of the fingerprints"I say to Hanna on the phone
"Ok and remember we are meeting at the Radley tomorrow byeeee" she says before hanging up I put my phone down and turn around "do I have you all to my self now?" Toby asks as I get into bed "yes you do" I say with a smile going from ear to ear.
"I love you"

"I love you too" I say before our lips lock

So that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoy the story so far I really tried hard on this story I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I tried my best thank you -Sxoxo

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