Won't that make us like cousin's in law??!

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Spencer POV

As we walk out of my hospital room a familiar face come's into view. I turn to Emily and see her jaw almost touching the floor and notice Alison's grip on her hand tightens... Is something going on between these two?

"Emily I'm so sorry I could see you early the police have been so uptight with who gets to visit" she says handing her a bouquet of flowers before hugging her.

"I'm fine Paige really" Emily says awkwardly patting her back. Alison wrinkles her noise up in disgust and both me and Ezra seem to be the only ones to see.

"I can't believe you had to go through that again" Paige says almost in tears. Emily releases her and gives her a confused look.


"Well the D-dollhouse" Paige says as if it's obvious.

Everyone except Paige looks at me then back at Paige. Everyone has been trying to avoid bring up the dollhouse in conversation because there scared it may bring up unwanted memories.

"You idiot" Alison says before holding me into a hug.

"What's wrong with her Emily had to go through it 2 times" I can basically hear the blood boiling in both Alison and Toby.

"No I didn't Paige Spencer did and it was much worse" Emily says in anger.

"B-but I got a text about you Emily" Paige says confused. Paige takes her phone from her pocket and shows us the text.

Remember on the Halloween train when you saved her? Try again tonight I dare you!-A.D

"Yeah and you saved Spencer from being chocked by Wilden" Aria reminds her.

"Idiot" Hanna whispers under her breath.


"Guys it's not her fault that was like 5 years ago" I say trying to help her out but Alison sends me a glare.

"I remember and I basically shown up in a corpse bag" Alison says.

"How did y-" Emily starts to question but get interrupted.

"Garret was there and he just got charged for my murder I wanted to see him but I was to late and saw Spencer being attacked so I went to help her but pigski- Paige helped her first so I kept away not wanting who I thought was A to see me" Alison explains.

"Okay can we ALL just go now" I say quickly getting bored and wanting to see what A.D wants us to see.

"Maybe not all of us" Toby's says trying to convince me not to go but also not wanting Paige to go.

"Why worst case scenario we don't find anything" I say simply.

"Actually worst case scenario we all get killed and You" Toby says pointing to me " go back to hell"

"Okayyyy but best case scenario we all survive find out who other A is they all go to prison and we get to live are happy life's we been waiting so long to have" I explain.

"Yeah Toby and Spencer, Aria and Ezra, Hanna and... Maybe Caleb or someone much better, ME and Emily and then Paige can go back to California and stay there" Alison says a smirk on her face.

"Wait you two?" Aria asks hopefully.

"Yes" Emily say excitedly pecking Ali on the lips.

"Won't that make us like cousin's in law??!" I say happiness rising inside of me.

"Well we aren't married Spence" Emily says a smile playing on her lips as she finishes "yet"

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