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Spencer PoV

I lay my head on the cold wooden floor as I curled up in a ball trying to ease the pain. Since Wren stopped me and Charlotte from leaving this place I have been alone for at least a week without food and had to drink from the water in the tap in the bathroom.

I sat up and leaned my back on the end of the bed staring at the clock. Listening to the ticking. Seconds became minutes and minutes became hours before I realised how long I have been in the same position but I kept my eyes locked on the clock.

The door opened but I didn't take any notice I just stayed still fascinated by the clock.
"What are doing?" Great it was Wren standing at the door a part of me wishes for Charlotte at least it seemed like she cared for me. Wren is just a creep who wants to marry me and keep me held captive. I decide to ignore his comment maybe he will just leave me to die of starvation I didn't care anymore what was there to care about my life was basically over anyway if I was to marry Wren Kingston.
"Spencer? Babe?"
Ew I cringe at the word 'babe' like please your already keeping me hostage and forcing me in marriage don't it any worse.
"Don't ignore me Spencer it wasn't my idea to stop feeding you it was Jessica I mean you tried to leave we have to punish you" Wren said taking a step closer to me shutting the door behind him.
I scoffed of course it was Jessica's idea to starve me she is probably laughing watching me suffer. I look away from the clock to the camera watching me until Wren stepped in front of my view.
"Go away Wren" I was at peace till he came in what did he even want.
"Your so pale" he bent down and stroked my cheek until I slapped his hand away. "Ha your so cute when your mad" he pushed away a piece of hair from my face I just rolled my eyes. God he is so annoying.
"What do you want?" I said standing up and sitting on my bed.
"I just wanted to update you on your case they think your alive and have been kidnapped"
"Yeah well that's kinda what happened " I rolled my eyes once more how long till I get out this place.
"Yes I know that but that's the problem at the moment we are in New York and there on to us there suspecting Jessica AKA Mary because no one can prove her where about's at the time you went missing so we are moving far away"
I turn my head to him confused.
"What no just let me go and I will say I don't know who took me then we can live on are lives" I said trying to convince him although obviously I would tell the police straight away.
"Nice try but no we are leaving in a week lets hope no one finds you while we are still close" he says as he pins me down on the bed a try push of but due to lack of food I'm extremely weak.
"Wren get off me" I scream hoping for  Charlotte to hear and come to my rescue again. Almost as if Wren can read minds he moves his lips close to my ear and whispers.
"Charlotte can't help you anymore"
He takes both my wrist and holds them above my head with one hand and starts kissing my neck moving down to my chest.
"No Wren please don't do this your not this person" I try getting my hands out of his grip but he holds the tightly with both of his hands now. He moves his head now are lips inches away from each other.
"I have always been this person Spencer I'm a good liar just like you"

Toby's PoV

It's been 2 weeks since I last saw Spencer and we have nothing. I don't want to say it but Spencer could actually she is strong she is a fighter and she will make it through this I know she will.

"Well at least the police think Mary might have something to do with Spencer's disappearance" Ezra says walking in with two coffees.

"Yeah except she isn't with Mary she is with the living twin Jessica" I say as Ezra passes Aria and Hanna there coffee.

Soon after my words left my mouth Aria,Hanna,Alison and Emily's phones beep.

"Is it A.D?" Caleb ask curious

"Who is up for a week of hell?" Hanna reads part of the text.
"Me and Spencer are going on a long trip so this is your last part in my game" Emily continues
"But still only the beginning of Spencer's part             -A.D" Aria finishes

"What the hell does that mean?" Alison basically shouts.
"One last week and A.D gone for good?" Caleb asks confused
"Yeah or one last week till Spencer's gone for good" I say biting my lip to try hold back the tears.
"We are going to find Spencer it's now or never" Hanna says standing up.
"I know it's just the never part that worry me" I say as Emily gives me a sympathetic smile and we all leave the brew.

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