Secrets being told part 3

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Jessica's POV

"Mona won't answer her phone" I said walking back into a dark room where the only light source is a small lamp in the corner of the room shining some light one Wren's face and a terrified Cece who is currently tied up to a wooden chair.

"This is a stupid plan Andrew isn't going to distract them long enough for us to kill Cece and hide her body" Wren says tapping his fingers on the lamp shade.

"Andrew will distract them long enough if he doesn't want Aria dead" I answer back.

"Look Mona is running late doing whatever she is doing lets just get this over with" just as Wren is about to lunge a knife into Cece's chest she muffles a scream through the duct tape and the door opens with a bang.

"Stay exactly where you are, hand up and slowly turn around" I hear a male voice shout. NO. No no no this can't be happening.

I slowly lift my hand above my head and turn to see police officers pointing guns at us.

"Jessica DiLaurentis and Wren Kingston you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Spencer Hastings and attempted murder of Mona Vanderwaal"

Attempted murder of Mona Vanderwaal!!

"Any thing you say can and will be used-"

I cut the police officer of shouting I didn't do it but instead of stopping he carries on talking over mine and Wren's shouts.

Spencer's POV

"Cece isn't a Drake or even a DiLaurentis ?"

"No she is biologically related to the real A who is a Drake like you" Andrew says.
Everyone is now in the room trying to get answers from Andrew.

So far all we have is Cece was never really the main A. Andrew doesn't know who A is. Cece isn't Charles or Charlotte. Sara isn't red coat that was Cece.

"How do you know all this? how do we know your not lying to us?" Toby asked still not trusting Andrew.

"They have kept Cece hostage sometimes I would keep a look out on her and she would tell me things"

"Then why didn't she tell you who A was?" Hanna asked

"She was scared" Andrew answered defending Cece.

Ping ping. Andrew's phone went off. Everyone's head turned in to where the phone lay on the cupboard. At the same time both Toby and Andrew leaped for the phone but because he was closer Ezra easily grabbed the phone and read the text out loud.

Well done Andrew. Jessica and Wren have been arrested and Cece is alive but she will talk so we are leaving- Mona

"Mona?" Hanna asks confused.

"It says Mona" Ezra says sighing

"I can't believe she would do this to me AGAIN" Hanna shouts throwing the baby album at the wall.

"Wait does that mean me and Mona... We are... Sisters"  I say still shocked.

"Yeah" Andrew answers

The phone still in Ezra's hand beeps again and his eyes widen before slowly reading the text.

I killed her-Cece

There is another chapter after this but it's only an epilogue.

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