Last chapter

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👆🏻Troian and Patrick's wedding 👆🏻
I have been in hospital for the last week and had thousands of exams to do so I haven't been able to update for two months sorry. So let this last chapter be your Christmas present from me. It may not be a good one but it's the thought that counts right?

Spencer's POV

We was walking out the church I was hand in had with Toby.

My husband.

Everyone is cheering and taking pictures. I look over at Hanna who has married Caleb and is now pregnant with there first child.

I look too see Emily and Alison with there little girl Ellie who looks exactly like Alison but a 3 year old version.

Then I see Aria and Ezra with there twins Adrian and Ethan who are 2 years old. Aria waves and her engagement ring shimmers in the sun.

"Mummyyyy" I look over to see my beautiful 3 year old girl holding hands with Cece.

Yes you read that right Cece is better now. 3 years ago she saw a police officer shoot Mona to save Cece's life. That police officer was Marco who is now in a happy relationship with Cece. Mona's death put everyone in shock especially Hanna. Hanna got over the pain by forgiving Caleb and giving there relationship a second chance or third I kinda loose count after a while. Alison found out she was pregnant with Elliott's child but Emily helped her and they finally got together and kept the child. Ezra and Aria haven't got married yet but are planning to get married in June next year there plans to get married 3 years ago came to a pause when Mona died and when they tried again Aria found out she was pregnant with Adrian and Ethan. Then there is me and Toby. Toby proposed in are anniversary in the motel where we first kissed.

"I love you" Toby whispers in my ear

"I love you more" I whisper back before leaning in to kiss him.

                              The end

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