Hush little baby

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I'm sorry I'm updating 2 or 3 days late i have been really busy and tomorrow I'm going on holiday I should have wifi but I'm not sure if I will be able to upload also I would like to say thank you I have over 300 views and it makes me so happy this is gonna be another short chapter sorry if you wanted more.

Spencer's PoV

Charlotte is holding me bridal style running around the halls I'm slowly losing consciousness due to the amount of blood loss all of a sudden Charlotte stops running.

"What are you doing take her to her room" a voice says coming closer I can't really make out who it is but I'm guessing it's Jessica

"She's going to die we need to take her to the hospital" Charlotte cried. Was I actually going to die was this the end?

"Don't be so dramatic Charlotte she just needs rest give her to me" I feel the person pull me out of Charlottes arms. I look up to see who it is and I can hardly believe it I try push my self out of there grip but I'm to weak .
"Spencer your not strong enough to fight" it's Wren who is holding me I thought Charlotte killed him maybe she just attacked him and tried to kill him.

"Please....don't ....hurt me" I say taking pauses as I breath and sharp pains enter my body.

Wren looks down at me and smiles as he walks away with me in his arms back in the direction we came from.

I can hear Charlotte crying on the floor tears start to form up in my eyes as I still try get away from Wrens arms but it is useless.

The I start to hear a song I'm not sure if Wren is singing it or Charlotte or if it's just in my mind but as the song goes on I slowly shut my eyes and Wren kisses my on the forehead before once again everything goes black

"Hush little baby don't you cry mamas gonna buy you a mocking bird and if that mocking bird don't sing mamas gonna buy you a golden ring...."

Ok so let's talk about the pretty little liars 7x10 episode I personally absolutely loved it Spencer was Mary's second child,Alison was pregnant and Noel died which by the way if you follow me on Instagram (@lspencerhastingsl) I predicted all those things to happen I also knew it was gonna be Spencer shot 😏 #icantellthefuture anyway I hope Toby doesn't die in that car crash I'm hoping Yvonne does though I know I'm evil 😈 but spoby is endgame
And omg EMISON HAPPENED and I was so happy when Paige was jealous I was like ha  F¥CK you Paige 😈
And haleb also happened 😍 I feel really sorry for Aria though like I feel really bad for all you Ezria shippers but at the same I don't because most of the time your ship is treated like royalty but all I really want is all the ships to be happy and I also strongly think Mona is A.D or on the team! (Rant over)

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