((A/N New Books Vote))

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So I'm writing 3 new books and I would like you guys to vote for the one you would like to come out after this one is finished.

Book 1: Pretty little vampire diaries (7 chapters done so far)

After stefan and Elena have a bad break up Damon and stefan decided to mover to rosewood must be better then mystic fall right?(no -A and Alison never disappeared)

Contains these Ships:Spamon,spoby,haleb,Ezria
Emison and more

Book 2: Little do you know (4 chapters so far)

Spencer Hastings is Toby Cavanaugh's personal assistant. Spencer expects her relationship with her boss to be professional but what happens when she meets him. (No A, The girls expect Alison,Caleb and Ezra will be in the story)

Book 3:A summer you won't forget (3 chapters so far)

When Rose Jones' parents make her go summer school for her low grades she doesn't expect to end up in a hostage situation caused by a crazy murderer with only 3 responsible adults,rich cheerleaders, a geek,her BFF and worst of all Kyran Fitzgerald and his posse.

Please comment and vote which one you would like to read.

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