I wasn't stalking you hanna

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Quick AN I'm sorry for not updating for a few days so I'm gonna try do a chapter for every story I have published so far.

Spencer PoV

"Archer?" Hanna asked all 5 of us who was there the night archer died tried covering are confused faces as we knew there was no way Archer was actually in the dollhouse.
"We can explain it more to you Spencer in private when we have are little chat. Okay?" Tanner asked and all eyes was once again on me. I nodded once slowly and the three officers walked out.
"Ezra can you get me a coffee please?" Aria asked to avoid the awkward silence that seems to keep falling upon us.
"Erm... Yeah sure" Ezra said before walking out the room and left us all in deep thoughts.

Ezra's PoV (never done Ezra's PoV so no judging)
I was walking towards Spencer's room again after 20 mins of waiting in a long line just to be told they was out of milk and I knew Aria would not take her coffee black when I saw someone standing outside the room with there head pressed against the door trying to listen in.
"Caleb?" I asked and I saw him tense and freeze knowing he had been caught.
"Hey Ezra" he said awkwardly Turing around and facing me.
"What are you doing I don't think Toby will be very happy when he hears you have been out he-" my sentence was cut short when Caleb placed a hand over my mouth and continued to listen into the conversation happening on the other side of the door.
"At least she is sleeping" Aria said probably referring to Spencer
"What if she is having a nightmare she got a lot of them last time"Hanna said  pausing before carrying on "we all did"
"Have you talked to Caleb??" Alison asked Caleb tensed at the sound of his name and I was still completely confused why Caleb was here after what he said to Toby about Spencer.
"No I was actually planning on calling him right now" Hanna said and you could hear the sound of  footsteps getting closer to the door. Caleb started to try run of but I caught him just as Hanna opened the door.
"Caleb?" Hanna asked blinking her eyes quickly not quite understanding why he is here.
"Hey are you okay?" Caleb asked like him being here after his outburst before is completely normal.
"Why are you here?" She asked ignoring his question. I glanced into the room and saw all eyes on Caleb except Spencer's that was closed as she slept.
"Why?am I not allowed to be here?" Caleb asked and I could see annoyance coving Hanna's face.
"No" I heard Toby murmur under his breath.
"Caleb stop answering me question with questions" Hanna said trying to keep calm
"Why do you mean?" Caleb asked and I swear I heard everyone's eyes simultaneously roll and sigh of annoyance.
"Caleb??" A sleepy voice spoke from inside the room.
"Hey Spence I came to see you" Caleb said trying to walk in the room but Toby shot him a death glare and Hanna stepped in front of him stopping him from moving further in to the room.
"I'm not pregnant so you can go now" Spencer said and sitting up in her hospital bed.
"I know I have been here a while listening to you al-" Caleb stopped himself realising how "A-ish" he sounded and cursed under his breath.
"WHAT!? Caleb we already have enough stalkers to last us a lifetime get out" Hanna said clearly freaked out that Caleb was watching us and no one even knew. It's not that anything bad really happened I mean no deep deep secrets was shared it's just that he was watching us probably since Toby kicked him out what was about 5-6 hours ago.
"Okay I know that sounded weird Hanna but I'm not stalking you I mean really if I was stalking anyone it would be Spencer but that's not the point the point is...I don't know what the point is I just wanted to know she was okay" Caleb said motioning towards Spencer who currently had one eyebrow raised like the rest of the people in the room.
"Caleb you sound like a freaky high school boy with a crush on the beautiful high school girl stop talking" Hanna said
"I'm sorry Hanna I just love you and I love Spencer and I love Toby and Ezra and-"
"Really Caleb stop talking" I said trying to shut him up.
"Maybe I should just go" Caleb said before running out.
"What the f*ck" was all Hanna could get out as we all replayed the weird scene that just unfolded in front of use.

Next chapter I promise will be the interview with the police and Spencer I just really wanted to do this weird one with Caleb in it. You will get why I added this in a few chapters forward.

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